The Bell Test Continues

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Hellosies!!!! Okay so I wrote a new story and i would really appreciate any feedback and if you would read it!!!! I would also appreciate if you would read a story called 'I Am Not Weak' by JusDancingAwesome!! Thanks!! So anyway, without further ado, here's my next chapter!!!

-DISCLAIMER- I don't own Naruto or of the Naruto characters.........I'm starting to get annoyed with having to write this so many times, so I've just started doing copy and paste.

'Kanshi' = Inner Sakura
'Kanshi'= other characters Inner
'Kanshi'= Sakura's thoughts
'Kanshi'= Other characters thoughts.

"I didn't say begin yet did I? But good, you came at me with killing intent. Now, Start!" Kakashi said and with a puff of smoke, everyone disappeared.
(Sakura's P.O.V.)

I hid in the trees over where Kakashi sensei and everyone else had been standing. Hiding my chakra, I squatted down and put my hands together in what NaruNaru called my 'thinking pose'. (A/N: Like Shikamaru did during his fight against Temari in the Chunin Exams.)

'Hmm, something seems strange here....Kaka-sensei had said that there is a 66% failing rate but with the way this test is set up, there's a 66% passing rate instead. Also, there's the fact that he said one or more of you will be sent back to the academy....' I thought, brow furrowed.

'None of what he says makes sense, how are we, Genin fresh out of the academy, supposed to beat a Jounin like him....?' I questioned, perplexed.

'He seems to have a double motive here Outer. I think that this test isn't what it seems to be.' Inner replied back, sensing my distress.

'What could it be? I dunno, but I'm going to find NaruNaru and see if he wants to come up with a plan to get the bells from Kaka-sensei together... Hmm, I'll ask Sasu-chan too, maybe that would help..' I decided.

Standing up, I was about to go look for the Naru-chan first when I heard his voice float up.

"The only thing strange here is you're hair!!" he yelled. Sighing, I shook my head. 'Same old Naru-chan,' I thought, but had a small smile on my face.

Looking down, I examined the fight going on. Analyzing the moves that Kaka-sensei made, I tried to figure out if my thoughts were correct. He seemed to just be toying with NaruNaru and made no actual counter attacks.

That seemed to continue the whole of the fight until Kaka-sensei made the fire justu seal and had an evil glint in his eye. 'OH CRAP!!!! NARU-BAKA WILL BE CRISPY TOAST!!! I KNOW I CALL HIM BAKA BUT ITS LOVINGLY!!!!WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!!!' Inner inwardly panicked and yelled, running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.

'Inner, calm down and shut up, I need to focus.' and with that thought, I quickly jumped down in the clearing, making the seals for the jutsu I needed.

"Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!" I yelled, using around a fourth of my chakra and a huge wave of water spilled from my mouth, crashing into Kaka-sensei. His mouth opened in surprise as he tried to hold his ground. Quickly grabbing Naruto's arm, I jumped off into the forest.

"S-Sakura-chan?!" he half said half yelled.

"Shhh, NaruNaru, don't yell! We need to get away from Kaka-sensei and find Sasu-chan. Here, make a shadow clone then mask your chakra. Send the shadow clone after mine." I ordered before making and earth clone next to me and masking my chakra.

"Follow my clone" I ordered before nodding to my clone who nodded and ran off in the opposite direction, NaruNaru's clone following after.

"Alright, follow me, I think Sasu-chan went off in that direction, the Kaka-sensei you were fighting was substituted with a clone in the middle of my jutsu." I said, running towards where I felt something, I wasn't sure if it was their chakra signatures or not, but I could feel something.

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