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This crush Steve had on his best friend was really starting to get out of hand. Every time he was around Billy for more that two seconds he was thinking about hips and hands under shirts and Billy's soft lips on his neck. For a time, this allowed Steve to think that his feelings were just lust, but once he started fantasizing about movie dates and the fucking prom, that was over.

So he made a very bad choice and started dating Chloe Clark. She was nice enough, and she was really pretty, and she liked him, so she seemed like the best choice.

"Steve, you're one of my closest friends. I can't watch you do this."

"Nance, please. I like Chloe. She's a nice girl. She's really cool. You would know if you gave her a chance." Steve snapped.

Nancy laughed. "You think this is because I don't like Chloe? I know Chloe. She's lovely, that's why I'm telling you this."

"What do you mean?"

"Steve. You are so clearly in love with someone else. It's so obvious it's almost painful. Every time she kisses you you look like you're in physical pain. I get it. You love Billy."

Steve paled. "No. I like Chloe. I'm not-"

"Then why you look so terrified? Look, I'm not going to tell anyone you're in love with Billy. I wouldn't do that to you. You can't just ignore it and pretend it'll go away." Nancy was smiling sadly, and Steve wanted to cry. "C'mon. Skip with me. I want to talk to you about this."

"You? Skip?"

"My friends are more important than my GPA." Nancy grabbed his hand, and they went.


"Did I ever tell you about my friend Cassie?" Nancy asked.

"That weird girl who moved away in the sixth grade?" Steve looked confused.

"I was totally in love with her. We kissed once, during a game of truth or dare. She moved and it totally broke my heart. I also love Jonathan. You don't have to be just gay or straight."

"WAIT. What? You? Cassie? Jonathan? You like girls? What?" Steve looked shocked to his core. His massive hair was even bigger than usual.

"Yes, Steve. I'm bisexual." Nancy laughed.

Steve put his head in his hands, then looked up quickly. "You can do that? Like both? And there's a word for it?"

"Yes, Steve. Bisexual."

"Oh my god." Then he was grinning and hugging Nancy. "God Nance, I could kiss you. I never knew!" He was laughing too, now.

Nancy laughed harder, hugging Steve back. "Glad I could be of assistance. You're adorable."

Steve's face fell almost immediately. "I am so gone, Nance. And what about Chloe?"

Nancy just squeezed his hand, said, "I don't know, babe."

Neither of them noticed Billy, who had come out for a smoke break and caught the tail end of the conversation, fuming. Steve and Nancy? Again? What about Jonathan and Chloe fucking Clark?


The next day, when Steve was on his way to meet Billy so they could study together, Jonathan walked up to Steve and punched him directly in the face. Steve doubled over, shocked.

"What the fuck, Byers? I thought we were cool?"

"Yeah we were cool. Until Billy told me he saw you and Nancy together, getting all touchy feely!"

"What? Billy? Steve whipped around to face him. "When the fuck did that happen?"

"Yesterday. 4th period. I went out for a smoke break and saw you two."

Steve put his head in his hands. "What the fuck? What the actual fuck? I was hugging Nancy because she was helping me out with some stuff I've been dealing with. She totally adores you. She even talked to me about you. Totally gushing."


"Yes, really. I'm with Chloe now." He stormed off, and Billy followed, leaving Jonathan confused and alone.


"Billy! What the fuck! Why wouldn't you talk to me first!" Steve yelled, throwing his hands in the air. "I thought we were friends? How could you think I would do that?"

"You adore Nancy. Remember when we were first talking? You ranted about her constantly."

"Trust me, Billy. I'm over her."

"What, Chloe? Everyone can tell you aren't into her."

Steve visibly flinched. "Fuck off, Hargrove."

"What, we're back to last names now?" Billy spat. "Why are you so fucking defensive?"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Billy shoved him. "Why are you so mad?"

"Put your fucking hands on me again and we're going to have an issue." Steve growled. "Don't be your dad."

With that, Billy got up and walked away. 

pretty boy like you // harringroveWhere stories live. Discover now