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Steve rolled over in bed, turning to face Billy. "We should go to the Byers' today. I know El misses seeing you around."

Billy nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, definitely. But I want breakfast. Pancakes good with you?"

"Yes, for sure." Steve said, kissing Billy's shoulder.


El ran up to Billy as soon as he pulled up outside of the Byers' house with Steve. Billy was really happy that El and Hop had moved in with them. El seemed a lot happier.

"Billy!" She cried, running up to him. She had dark eye makeup smeared all up to her eyebrows and hair teased as high as Steve's.

"Man, Jane. You look totally bitchin'." El lit up at that, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. Will stood at the door, waving at Steve, and Mike ran outside to see him.

"Hey, Mike. What's up?" Mike was fiddling with his thumbs and looked around nervously.

"I need to talk to you. Alone." He looked at Steve with a manic look in his eyes. "Now."

Steve frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Is everything okay?"

"Man, I don't know! That's why I need to talk to you." Mike started speed-walking towards the back of the house, Steve following, confused. As soon as they got to the back where they were alone, Mike turned to Steve and said, "I'm so screwed."

"What happened?"

"I broke up with El." Mike's face crumpled.

"Oh, man. That really sucks. Are you okay?" Steve patted Mike's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's fine, we're still friends. That's not the issue!" Mike looked a bit hysterical.

"Well, then what's the problem?"

"The issue is that when Will found out he kissed me and I liked it but I panicked and he asked if I was okay but I told him I just wanted to be friends when I do not want to be just friends!"

"Oh, uh, look, man. I have zero experience with guys. Billy is my first everything, pretty much. I would just talk to Will, he clearly has feelings for you." Steve shrugged.

"No! He's been hanging out with this kid Stephen! They're always together! He hates me, Steve." Mike looked less hysterical and more heartbroken, and it made him sad. He had never been as close to Mike as he had the others, but he felt good knowing he trusted him.

"Just try, Mike. Feelings don't just go away like that."

Mike still looked skeptical, but he shrugged and said, "Maybe. I'll think about it."


When Steve and Mike walked back into the house, Billy was sitting on the floor, Max, Will, and El surrounding him. Max appeared to be teaching them how to french-braid hair. "Look, you just take this part on the outside and bring it-"

"Shit, Max! Don't pull-"


"Fuck off, you-"


"El, we all know you swear like a sailor!"


"Hey guys, we're back!" Steve said loudly. Mike waved, staring at Will, who avoided his gaze. "Nice hair, Billy."

"Hey, I don't wanna hear a word. Jane wanted to learn and Max is the only one who knows how to do it besides me, and my hair is long enough. I'm helping."

"I love when you get all domestic." Steve smirked.

"Gross, guys," Max said, twisting up her face. "Shut up."

Steve stuck out his tongue and turned on the TV. "What do you guys want to watch?"

"Voltron is on," Mike said quietly. "It's Will's favorite show."

"Voltron it is then," Steve said. "But I think you two need to talk first."

Mike nodded furiously, and turned to Will. "Yeah, we do. About... y'know..."

Will's face fell. "You told Steve?"

"You told Eleven and Max!"

"That's different!"


"Uh, anyone gonna fill me in on what the hell is going on here?" Billy asked loudly.

Everyone ignored him. "Mike, I can't believe you told him!"

"Yeah, go cry about it to Stephen!" Mike yelled, sort of hysteric.

"No, you don't get to talk about him!"

"HE LIED!" Steve yelled, slamming his hands on the table. "Jesus H. Christ, the two of you are crazy. Mike lied and said he didn't want to but he did and he came to me all freaking out because you were hanging out with Stephen, whoever the fuck that is! Just talk to each other!"

"Want to do what?" Billy asked, waving his arms in the air. "What the hell is happening!?" Again, everyone ignored him.

"You lied?" Will asked, his face softening.

"Yeah. And it's fine, y'know... if you like Stephen. I get that I probably ruined it, but, I just want you to be happy.""I don't like Stephen." Will said, grabbing Mike's hand and dragging him to the other room. They returned fifteen minutes later and held hands through three episodes of Voltron. 

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates. Things have been crazy lately and I've had wicked writer's block. School is almost over, so I've been super busy. I love y'all for reading. 


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