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"How are you feeling? Y'know. About your dad."

Billy sighed, leaned back. "It's stupid, but I'm scared. Like, really scared. That he'll come back and hurt me, or Susan, or Maxine, or you..."

"That's not stupid."

"Feels stupid."

"I get it. You'll be good though. You see your dad's shiner at the trial?" Steve smiled a little.


"Well, I was talking to El yesterday. Hop did it. During the arrest. Said that it was an accident, but El said that she knows it was on purpose." Billy snickered.

"God, he would."


Rumors travel fast in Hawkins. News of Karen's overdose and Billy's father's arrest got around quick. There was something added about a gang, and Billy's dad was in the mafia, or something. Billy wasn't even Italian. When you were the talk of the town it was hard to keep up a fake relationship while also trying to hide your real one, and both Billy and Karen were struggling.

The group was at lunch. Jon and Nancy were sitting together, and Billy had his arm around Karen's waist. Keeping up appearances, he said. Whatever. It made Steve's palms sweaty. Chloe seemed to know how he was feeling, grabbing his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

Karen coped with the rumors by being exactly what they thought she was. She didn't do drugs, but she partied and her necklines got lower, heels got higher. She cut her hair like Joan Jett, did eyeliner like Siouxie Sioux, and wore platform boots with a million buckles. She was all leather pants and tartan skirts and fire. It was like she said to her girlfriend after she got BITCH tatted on her inner lip. 'Chloe, if I'm gonna have the reputation as the drugged out slut, I may as well look the part.'

In contrast, Billy folded in on himself. He spent enough time at parties that people didn't think he was, like, dying, but his shirts got buttoned up more and he stopped doing as many keg stands. He spent most of his classes smoking under the bleachers, trying to stop his hands from shaking. Karen joined him more often than not, and sometimes Nancy would stop to check up on them. Lunches were the worst, having to cuddle up to Karen. And, like, it would be fine if they were watching a movie or something and it wasn't because they had to pretend to be in love. Karen was wearing essentially nothing except massive chunky boots and hair spray, and it made him tense. He didn't want this, he didn't like this, he wanted Steve.

Karen cracked her bubblegum, a habit she had picked up from Liz, said, "Y'know, I don't think I've ever been okay until now. And I know stuff still kind of sucks but I'm happy and it's really because of you guys. So thank you."

Billy nodded. "No, me too. Like, the whole situation right now, it's awful. With all the lying, and being so scared... but you all help. Really."

"Things have been fucked," Steve said, "But they're finally looking up. I can't wait till graduation."

"Yeah. Then we can all get out of here."


Graduation came quicker than expected. Senior year is light on the homework so the gang spent most of their time at Steve's house, reading for finals and shooting the shit. When graduation came, Steve's parents didn't come. Neither did Karen's. But Ronnie and Brenda came, as did Susan and Hopper, so it was enough.

Billy and Karen were naked under their gowns, much to Steve and Chloe's embarrassment. "C'mon, baby. You feel so free..."

"Karen, this dress was expensive as shit. No way in hell." Chloe smacked her arm.

"At least take off your panties?" Karen gave her best puppy eyes, pouting.

"I'm thinking you just wanna get me outta my panties."

"Shut up. Steve?"

"No! Unlike my degenerate boyfriend, I have decency..." Steve grinned, crossing his arms.

Billy smirked, said, "At least take off your panties?"

"Shut the fuck up!"


The summer after senior year was spent working frantically to save up enough money to get across country. Steve's trust fund would last them a few months, but it wasn't nearly enough. So Billy worked his mechanic job and Steve worked at Scoops Ahoy and Dustin and the kids bugged them both to no end.

Karen started a band with Chloe and one of her coworkers, Robin, along with a very enthusiastic Elizabeth on drums. They were kinda shitty but played clubs around Hawkins all through the summer. They were a mix of Karen's hard rock, Chloe's punk, Robin's folk, and Lizzie's bubblegum pop. It worked for them, and they came out with their first record, recorded on a tape recorder, and started selling cassettes.

Towards the end of August, Billy and Steve had enough collective money saved to get to Cali, but suddenly realized how much they would miss Hawkins. The people would be the hardest to say goodbye to, but they both knew there were too many bad memories in town for them to stay.

There was too much bad in Hawkins for them to stay, but there was so much good in the people that surrounded them it would still be hard to leave. Billy didn't tell anyone, too afraid that Susan would try to talk him out of it, afraid of Max's disappointment, and he didn't trust himself not to break down. He left a note on Max's bed, along with a new skateboard and a handful of quarters for the arcade. It read -


I'm sorry to leave like this. I was scared that if I told you, you would be able to talk me out of it. I couldn't have that, not when I'm so close. Anyway, I wanted to apologize. I know that I fucked up with you. I was angry. I was scared. I didn't know how to be soft with people, and I wish it didn't take Steve to make me better. I love you, kid. You're strong as hell. Keep going the way you are. Don't take shit from anybody, but remember not to get caught up in it. And remember, you'll always have a home with us in Cali. I'll let you know an address as soon as we settle.

Tell Susan I said thank you. And that I'm sorry, and not to let anyone hurt you.


Steve told everyone but his parents. Dustin gave him shit, but ended his rant with a promise to write, and assured him that he was happy for him. Nancy and Jon were sad, but understanding. Jonathan gifted the two an old Polaroid camera. To document the trip, he said.

The last to say goodbye were Chloe and Karen. It was tearful and dramatic, and Karen swore up and down that she would visit as soon as possible. The two of them chased the camaro for as far as they could run, screaming and laughing all the way.

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