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Steve and Billy were never going back to the way things were, and Billy knew it. He knew it every time Steve said he wanted to come with him to a party he never would've said yes to before, every time he caught Steve staring at him with a look on his face that Billy couldn't explain but broke his heart to see.

The only positive thing to come out of the whole mess was Karen. Both Steve and Billy were kind of weird about hanging around her at first, but Chloe was persistent, and managed to break them down. She was a part of the group now, and everyone adored her. She was like Billy, but a girl, right down to the long blonde hair. She was less angry, though.

"We should all go out tonight," Karen said, throwing her feet up onto Steve's coffee table. It looked expensive. She was wearing massive black combat boots, and Steve cringed at the loud crash. "To that bar an hour outside town. It's close enough to get to and far enough away that it won't be filled with people we know. Invite Nancy, I still need to meet her."

"You don't know Nance?" Chloe asked, confused. "Really?"

"Nah, but you guys talk about her so much I kind of got her whole life story down."

"Oh, yeah. We should definitely all go. It'll be fun!" Chloe claps, and Steve sighs.


Six hours later and a town over, Steve was miserable. Karen and Nancy had hit it off, and the two of them were tucked into a corner, giggling about something. Most likely Steve. Billy was dancing, and he looked absolutely stunning, and Steve was resenting the fact that he couldn't go up to his boyfriend and kiss the hell out of him, just to prove a point to everyone that was staring. He knew he couldn't, though. They weren't that far from Hawkins, and in this part of Indiana everyone was everyone's cousin or sister's best friend. No, too risky. Instead, he was sitting at the bar with Chloe, drinking a water. (That hangover after the breakup scared him straight. Shit seemed to last for days.) Chloe paused every few seconds to look over at Karen and Nancy. "Do you think anything is going on between them?" She asked.

"Clo, they met tonight. Why do you care anyway?" Steve rolled his eyes. She could be so ridiculous sometimes.

Chloe looked affronted. "I don't. Jesus, Steve, I'm not, like, into her."

"Chloe, no one said that." Billy walked over then, saving Chloe from having to acknowledge what Steve had said.

"Hey, babydoll. How are you two? You should dance." Billy smiled, tongue poking out.

"I'm not in the mood," Chloe said, looking over again at Nancy and Karen. "I feel sick."

Billy furrowed his eyebrows. "That sucks. Are you feeling nauseous? I can order you a ginger ale and some crackers, if you think that would help..."

Steve laughed. "You're cute. She's just freaked out that Karen and Nancy are pals now."

"Is she, like, into her?" Billy asked, confused.

"NO. Jesus!" Chloe yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

"Alright. Christ almighty. I was just asking. I mean, if you're so torn up you refuse to dance-"

"Do you want me to dance with you? FINE. I WILL DANCE." She got up, looking pissed, and dragged Billy to the dance floor. Steve was alone for a few minutes, until Nancy got up with Karen to sit with him.

"What's wrong with Chloe?" Asked Karen, staring at a very scared Billy and a very clearly furious Chloe dancing. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know what's wrong with her," Steve sighed. "She's been acting like this the whole night."

"Well, I'm gonna go dance with her." Karen said, standing up again. Steve watched as Karen tapped Clo on the shoulder. Her face lit up. Chloe and Karen broke away from Billy, so he came over to Steve.

"You doin' alright, pretty boy?" Billy asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just not my thing anymore." He sighed.

"Wish I could dance with you." Billy whispered.

"You guys should just go home," Nancy said. "We took two cars. Karen and Chloe are having a good time. I can get a ride with them. You guys seem like you need some alone time."

"You're gonna be okay?"

"I'll be just dandy. You guys go grab a late dinner or something."

Steve smiled gratefully at Nancy. "Thanks, Nance." She smiled back and squeezed his hand.


When they got back to town, Steve was tired. He didn't know what was going on with him. He didn't know if it had to do with the bar, or not being able to go public with Billy, or his parents, or Karen (who Steve truly did like, very much. But no matter how amazing Karen was, she still the girl that made out with Billy.) or a number of other things. All he knew was that he was tired.

"Billy, I feel like there's something really wrong with me." He said, looking at his lap.

"Baby? What do you mean?" Billy turned to face him.

"I don't know. I just... sometimes... I don't feel right. Everything just feels off. I don't get it. I just get so scared. I have these nightmares, and sometimes I'll just be out with you or Nancy or Chloe and Karen and I just get all lightheaded and I can't breathe and I don't know why and I get flashbacks and I think something is off."

Billy pulled into Steve's driveway, then turned to face him. "That sounds like PTSD."

"PTSD?" Steve made a face. "Like the fuckin' soldiers from 'Nam?"

"It's not just soldiers, Steve. Back in Cali, I had this friend, name's Kim. Got jumped in a drug deal. Went into a coma. It was crazy. She had to take a bunch of meds because she got panic attacks and flashbacks and all that."

Steve frowned. "You really think that could be it?"

"Man, the shit you went through with the kids? Of course. Demogorgons are your fuckin' war, baby."

"I love you." Steve blurted.

Billy took his hand and kissed his knuckles. "I love you too, princess."

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