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Scenes from the ER //

1 // c h l o e

"Hey, yeah, nurse lady, I need to get in and see Karen Hall."

"Are you immediate family? Those are the only people who can see her now."

"Yeah, we're sisters."

"You... are sisters. You two. Are related. By blood."

"Woah, are you saying that 'cause of my skin? I think that's a little bi-"

"Listen, kid. Can you give me any proof? An ID?"

"I'm adopted."

"You'd still have the same last name."

"I'm a special case."

"That's not how adoption works." 

"Listen, I'm the only family she's got. Her dad beats the shit out of her - don't give me that look, she moved out - and she's living with a drug dealer and his daughter. Her dad's not gonna show up, neither's her mom. She does whatever her dad says. Just let me in. I'm all she has."

"I can't."

"Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say, you dumb fucking bitch. Go fuck yourself."

"I know you're hurting, so I'm not going to kick you out. But I suggest you go sit down."

"Fuck you."


2 // r o n n i e

"Dad, is it true? That you two were friends?"

"The best."

"You should have told me. You didn't have to lie."

"I didn't want you to be mad."

"Too late. She was my age. How could you do that?"

"I needed a friend."

"She was fifteen."

"I know. It's one of my biggest regrets."

"Fuck you, dad. I can't believe you would do that to her. Chloe was right. This is your fault."


3 // s t e v e

"So, Susan adopted me. We're getting out, soon."

"God, Billy, that's amazing. He can't hurt you anymore. But... are you leaving Hawkins?"

"No way. Susan found an apartment on the edge of town. She's gonna confront him soon. Ask for a divorce."

"We're gonna get out of here soon. Away from all the nightmares."

"I did something, and I'm not sure if you're going to like it."


"Come to the bathroom with me."

"... is that..."


"My name?"


"It's permanent?"

"Yeah. I know I should've asked you, but... I wasn't-"

"Shut up and kiss me, asshole. I love it. I love you."


4 // l i z z i e



"You were right. About my dad. He's a liar and an asshole and I hate him for what he did to Karen."

"I don't hate your dad. I mean, I'm not exactly a fan, but he cut her off. Let her stay with you guys. Like sure, he's shitty as hell, but he's not all bad."

"I wish I knew. It's my fault, too."

"How the hell is it your fault? Baby, you're just a kid."

"He started dealing to support me. If I hadn't..."

"Hadn't what? Been born? None of this is your fault. Karen loves you. She knows you don't want this."

"I can't help but feel like... I should've done more to stop him."

"You know Karen wouldn't want you blaming yourself. There was nothing you could have done. C'mere, sweetheart."

5 // b i l l y



"I'm worried about Karen."

"I know. We all are."

"Not the overdose. There's something else."

"What, her dad? She moved out. He's not gonna be able to hurt her anymore."

"No, it's not... It's probably nothing."

"Are you sure?"



6 // k a r e n

"You guys are here for Karen, right?" A friendly looking nurse with dark hair and bright blue eyes looked at the group, which had conjugated in the corner of the waiting room.

"Yeah, we are." Steve nodded.

"Well, she's going to live. We need to keep her for a little bit, but she'll be okay. But there is bad news."

Steve felt Billy inhale. "It's the virus, isn't it?"

"What virus?" Everyone ignored Elizabeth's question and Chloe's confused look.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"What virus?" Ronnie asked.

"I'm sorry, but your friend tested positive for HIV. It looks like she contracted it through the needle she used."

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