Chapter 11: They Know

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"Your skin?!" Kina exclaimed. "It's red with several black markings and...your eyes...they're yellow!"

I wore a terrified look upon hearing her words. The others turned to look at me and their jaws dropped upon seeing me with me red skin. My heart dropped as I saw their expressions. Fury then touched his earpiece, receiving some important news probably. He looked over at Thor. "Thor, check on Loki."

Thor nodded as he stormed out of the room. I then spoke up, offering to go. "I can check on him as well, if you'd like."

"You're staying right there!" Fury snapped, causing me to stagger back. "I don't know who you are or what you truly are anymore!"

"Kina, tell him it's alright. It's just me." I begged.

Kina looked at me in disbelief. "I don't know...I thought I knew you, Storm."

I felt torn at her words. She's one of my best friends...she's like my older sister, and instead of defending me, she let me fend for myself. Am I truly alone? I fought back tears as I raced out of the room, ignoring the calls of Fury and Kina. I rushed into the detention section where Loki was, only to find Thor in the cage and Loki outside standing right beside the control panel. Loki wore a smile. "The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?"

At that moment a man approached me, I quickly dodged his attacks, using the Force to knock him down. Both Thor and Loki turned towards me. I wore a confused look as I glanced over at Loki. "Loki, you don't have to do this. You have a choice."

Loki shook his head. "No I don't. I have to do this, Storm."

I then sensed a soldier behind me. I whipped around and before I could hurt him, he fell to the ground. I glanced back to see Phil with one of the phase 2 weapons. He gave me a smile. "I got your back, Storm."

Phil then made his way towards Loki. "Move away, please."

Loki slowly moved away from the switch. Phil raised the weapon towards him. "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?"

There was a loud gasp and I turned to see Loki, impaling Phil through his chest. Thor slammed the glass. "Nooo!"

I wore a horrified look as Phil fell against the wall. Loki then moved past me and pressed a button, dropping the cage out of the ship. I merely stood there in shock, unable to move as Loki looked down before closing the hatch. He then turned towards me, gently grabbing my arm. "Storm, we need to go. Now."

I shook my head. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here."

"Here?" Loki repeated in disbelief and disgust. "Do you know what they will do to you once they've seen your true self?"

I averted my eyes towards the ground, fighting back tears. Loki's tone softened as he spoke. " they've already seen it."

I merely nodded, keeping my gaze towards the ground. I then felt Loki's fingers around my chin, gently forcing me to look up at him.

"I don't wish to hurt you like they have." Loki informed me. "I know your true beauty and potential that you have."

He then extended a hand out towards me. It was then when I heard Phil's weak voice reach us. "You're gonna lose."

Loki then turned over to look at Phil. "Am I?"

"It's in your nature." Phil replied.

"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?" Loki retorted.

"You lack conviction."

"I don't think I..." Loki began but was cut off by Phil, who shot Loki with the Phase 2 weapon that lied in his lap.

This sent Loki flying back through the wall behind him. I looked over at Phil with a worried look. He merely looked at where Loki stood as he wore an amused look. "So that's what it does."

I then bent down besides Phil as I tried to stop the bleeding. "Don't worry, Phil, I'm going to help."

Phil shook his head. "No Storm, I'm not going to make it. Now listen to me, I want you to leave me and go. Look for the others before Loki returns."

I violently shook my head. "No...I can't. I've lost too many friends."

Phil then placed a hand over mine. "It was an honor to meet you, Storm. Now go. It's you that Loki wants."

I then heard noise coming from where Loki had crashed. And in that instant I saw Loki standing with a furious expression. Oh kriff...

"Go." Phil weakly urged. "Now."

"It was a honor to meet you too, Phil Coulson." I said before getting up. "May the Force be with you."

I quickly threw open the door, running down the long and endless hallways. However as I reached the end of the hallway, Loki appeared before me, causing me to stop midway. He looked at me with a concerned yet worried look. "Storm, please stop running. Come with me."

I merely remained still as Loki slowly made his way towards me. I wasn't sure what to do anymore. Once Loki approached me, he placed a finger on my forehead as he wore a look of regret. "Forgive me, Storm."

And just like that my eyes fluttered close. I was surrounded by darkness.

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