Chapter 38: Back On Earth

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We had to move into a cave as a storm was approaching us. I still couldn't believe Loki was gone. Maya kept a hand on my shoulder as I stared off into this distance. I remained silent as I heard Jane inform the others what she saw. "He's gonna unleash it, not just on Asgard or on a star, Malekith is gonna destroy everything."

"How? Jane, how?" Thor asked.

"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" Jane questioned.

"The Convergence." Thor said.

Jane gasped. "Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether."

"Then Malekith would have only possessed it that much sooner." Thor explained.

"I only found it because I was looking for you." Jane protested, beating herself.

"Jane." Thor said softly as he placed his hand on her face.

Poor Jane...she beats herself up more than she needs to. 

"Now we're trapped here." Jane commented.

At that moment we heard music playing in the cave, we all looked at each other in confusion. Thor raised his hands. "It's not me."

I furrowed my brows. "Where's it coming from?"

Jane then took something out of her pocket. I furrowed my brows.  "What's that contraption?"

"I believe it's called a phone." Thor explained. "It's like a transmitter." 

Hilna, Maya, and I all had epiphanies as we realized what the contraption was. Very interesting. I guess the people of Earth are becoming advanced. 

"Hello?" Jane asked and after a moment her face lit up. "Richard?! Where are you?"

"Oh, my God! This is amazing." Jane exclaimed as she held up the phone. 

"Is it? I quite enjoyed our lunch despite never actually ordering anything." A male voice through the phone replied. I'm assuming it's Richard. Jane looked around clearly amazed. "How am I getting service here?"

"Is this a bad time? Do you want me to try you there?" He inquired.

"No, no, no, no! Please, whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." Jane insisted.

"Okay then." He replied sounding a little uncomfortable. "I was just wondering if you want to try again? Uh...maybe dinner next time."

"Uh...yeah, yeah, yeah." Jane said, not paying any attention to him. "Um...just stay on the phone, okay?"

"Yeah, I will."

I looked over at Thor to see him slightly jealous. "Hey, looks like you got competition."

Thor waved it off. "Me? Competition? He must just be a friend from work...or something of the sort."

I shrugged. "If you say so."

"Oh, my God." Jane gasped as she picked something up from the ground.

"Am I interrupting something?"

 No, no, no, nothing at all." Jane replied before she looked over at us. "Come on."

"I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?" 

We began to follow Jane as she walked further into the cave. Where exactly are we going? I looked over at the others before asking. "Where are we going?"

I never got my answer as we ventured further into the cave. That's when we noticed a plethora of shoes. Thor furrowed his brows as he noticed the shoes as well. "Why are there so many shoes in here?"

We soon walked into a factory and followed Jane out to a vehicle that was as small as a speeder but looked like a small ship. We climbed inside and Jane took us to her apartment. As soon as she opened the door, a woman with glasses wore a relieved look upon seeing Jane. 

"Jane!" She exclaimed.

"Hey." Jane greeted.

"Who's she?" I asked as we walked in.

I noticed Thor hang his hammer on a hanger, which amused me but I refrained from saying anything. He's just trying to be polite.

"That's Darcy, my intern." Jane introduced.

Hilna, Maya, and I all wore baffled looks at the mention of the word intern, which Jane noticed as she reiterated. "She's my assistant."

"Oh!" The three of us exclaimed.

"You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy!" Darcy exclaimed. "All the stuff we saw is spreading."

She then did a double take as she looked at Jane's Asgardian clothing which happened to be from Asgard. "Did you go to a party?" 

Jane ignored Darcy's question as she looked over at noticed Selvig, the scientist who was once under Loki's control.

"Erik?!" Jane asked in disbelief.

Erik's face lit up upon seeing her and he made his way towards us, revealing that he had no pants on. "Jane, how wonderful! You've been to Asgard."

"Where are your pants?" Jane asked.

"Oh, uh...he uh...he says it helps him think." A young man, probably one of Jane's assistants or something, explained.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything." Jane informed him.

"Okay." Erik said with a nod.

"Are you well, Erik?" Thor inquired.

Erik chuckled but his smile faded very quickly. "Your brother is not coming, is he?"

"Loki is dead." I announced as tears filled my eyes.

"Oh, thank God." Erik replied with a relieved look.

Thor looked at him in utter confusion, while I wore a devastated look. Erik quickly realized his mistake. "I...I'm so sorry."

"Thank you." Thor replied with a smile. 

Erik then embraced Thor, comforting him. Once Erik pulled away from the hug, Jane and the others got down to business. 

"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected." Jane explained.

"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal." Erik added.

"Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time." Thor chimed in.

"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy inquired.

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and the ancients were there to see it." Erik replied as he placed a map I've never seen before on the table. "All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map."

He began to draw on the map. "Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking"

Erik then pointed to a place called Greenwich on the map. I furrowed my brows. "Greenwich?"

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Erik explained, causing my eyes to widen.

That sounds quite catastrophic. Thor then summoned his hammer and it landed in his hand. Erik quickly looked around. "I better get my pants." 

Yeah...He most definitely should get pants on if we are to go anywhere outside. 

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