Chapter 32: Asgard

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The next day, after saying goodbye to everyone, I returned to my room with my things. Hilna and Maya wished to come along with me, so I allowed them to join me. I held the gem close to my heart as I closed my eyes. Please take me to where my beloved is, I mentally wished. And with that the three of us transported to a different place. It definitely wasn't Earth...this place was far more beautiful and magnificent than Earth. There were beautifully intricate buildings and spires, gleaming statues, and a glistening palace with mountains behind it. Wow...Where are we?

"So this is Earth, huh?" Maya asked as she looked around in awe. "Looks nice."

"This isn't Earth." I replied.

Hilna and Maya looked at me rather confused. "What do you mean?"

"The gem took us somewhere else...but I don't know where."

At that moment we were surrounded by many guards with attire I've never seen before. Hilna, Maya, and I placed our hands on our lightsabers as the guards surrounded us.

"There's too many of them." Maya said.

I waved it off. "Nonsense. Remember the time we were in Seline?"

"Yes, but we knew going in that we had backup on the way." Maya protested.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"I am Storm Ca'ana, and this is my sister, Maya, and my apprentice, Hilna." I said.

At that moment I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "Lady Storm?"

I turned around to see Thor with a look of disbelief. Next to him stood three men and a woman all dressed in armor. He wore a relieved look. "I knew you were alive! Loki said you were dead...I knew he was lying!"

"He wasn't...before I went on a suicide mission I spoke to Loki, and I told him that there was a chance I would not return." I confessed.

Thor's face fell. "Oh did not."

I sighed. "Yes...I did."

Thor shook his head. "Oh Storm...Loki's devastated...he won't speak to anyone but mother."

"Let me see him." I pleaded.

"Where are we?" Maya inquired.

"We are on my home planet, Asgard." Thor explained. "And as for you visiting Loki...I can sneak you in."

"He's in the prison cells, right?" I asked, hesitantly.

Thor nodded. "Yes. I shall take you there meanwhile my friends, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif shall escort..."

Upon seeing him trail off, I quickly introduced them. "This is twin sister, Maya, and my apprentice, Hilna."

Thor raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said she was dead?"

"It's a long story, which I shall explain later." I replied.
Once Thor and I entered the prison cells, he remained by the entrance.

"He's down the hall. I shall come to you when it is time to leave." Thor informed me.

I nodded. "Very well."

I then walked down the hall to find Loki in a cell with the same furniture that I saw last time I saw him. However all the furniture was tossed and he was lying on the ground with a devastated look.

"Loki..." I called out.

At that moment Loki looked up and his eyes lit up. "Storm? Is that really you?"

"Yes, I'm truly here." I confirmed as I took a step closer.

"It's been a year..." Loki trailed off. "I thought the worst...I thought you died."

Really? A year? How does this traveling thing even work? 

"I'm sorry Loki. But back in my home galaxy I've been busy. We were at war, and I helped to bring back the Republic." I explained. "It's said a year past, but back in my home galaxy it was five years since I last contacted you..."

Loki furrowed his brows. "Your galaxy is truly strange...but fascinating."

A smile formed on my face. "You would love it."

A small smile appeared on his face. "I would've loved to visit...but unfortunately I cannot leave my cell."

I wore a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Loki...I hate to see you like this."

"At least you're here, alive and well." He pointed out.

At that moment, Thor called out my name. "Storm, it's time to go."

I reluctantly turned back to look at him. "I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Loki asked with a look of hope.

"Of course." I assured him.

With that I left the cells with Thor. Once we were out of the prison cells, he spoke. "You truly care for my brother, don't you?"

"With all my heart." I replied. "Loki is the only one who understood how I felt. He made me realize that I'm not a monster. I've accepted who I am, and I owe it to him."

Thor hesitated. "You know he hasn't made the best decisions...and his actions have caused mayhem in all Nine Realms, but he's my brother. I still care for him."

"I care for him too, Thor. And I know there's still good in him." I insisted.

A smile appeared on his face. "You're too kind, Storm."

I shrugged. "I know a good heart when I see one. And Loki has one. It's just hidden away."

"My father, Odin knows you're here." Thor informed me. "And my parents wish to see you."

My eyes widened. "Your parents? Wait, what do they know about me?"

"They know that you helped to stop Loki from conquering Midgard, and that you come from a different galaxy." Thor explained. "And they might know that you are in love with Loki..."

I raised an eyebrow. "And how do they know about that?"

Thor laughed nervously. "Well I might've told them..."

"Wait, how do you know that?" I questioned rather confused.

Thor let out a laugh as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Oh Storm, it wasn't hard to guess. It's quite obvious by the way you look at Loki. And not to mention that he only wishes to speak to you during the interrogations with SHIELD."

I groaned. "Alright. Lead the way then." 

I took a deep breath as I followed Thor. I hope they'll like me.

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