Chapter 3

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''So, how are you feeling about this?'' Holly asked me as she was driving the car. We were on our way to Luke's house. He sent me his address an hour ago. ''I honestly have no idea what kind of party this is going to be.'' I answered truthfully. We rode the rest of the trip in silence.

Holly and I stepped out of the car once we got there. His house was big and I already saw people outside holding red cups -probably filled with alcohol- as they were dancing to the beat of the loud music booming through the speekers. I instantly knew this wasn't going to be a fancy party. Were was I even going to find Luke? 

My thoughts were pushed aside as I saw someone waving at me. I had to look twice before realizing it was Felia. ''Come on.'' I told Holly. We started walking towards her. Holly had a slight frown on her face as we got closer. ''It's someone I met yesterday.'' I quickly explained. 

''Hey Felia!'' She hugged me tightly and a bright smile grew on her face. ''Hey there!'' She replied. 

''This is my friend, Holly.'' I introduced my roommate and Felia immediately pulled Holly into a hug as well. ''It's so nice to meet you.'' Felia said in her sweet voice. ''Likewise.'' Holly said casually and not nearly as sweet as Felia. Felia turned around and motioned to follow. We did.

I quickly shot Holly an angry look because of her arrogance towards Felia. She shrugged her shoulders like she didn't care. As we were walking to godknowswhere I suddenly saw a face I knew. A smile krept to my lips when I realized it was Luke.

He ran over to us and handed me a red cup. I took it even though I probably wasn't going to drink any of it. I've had trouble with alcohol quite a lot. I suppose I attend too many parties. ''Hey theeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.'' He was definitely tipsy. I shot him an awkward smile but he didn't seem to notice. He nodded once at the other girls. ''I thought this was going to be a fancy art party.'' I yelled over the loud music.

''Not faaaancy enough for you?'' He almost giggled like a girl. Okay, not tipsy but drunk. I rolled my eyes playfully at his reply. ''Let's go inside, it's cold.'' Felia spoke up. I noticed that Holly was quiet. She normally isn't like this. I decided to let it go and enjoy the evening. I kind of promised myself I wouldn't drink but the red cup challenged me so I took a sip, allowing the cold liquor to refresh my mouth. 

We got inside and I felt uncomfortable in the short dress I was wearing. I never wear dresses like this but I thought it wouldn't hurt for once. I felt guys staring at me and didn't like it one bit. I shrugged it off and started dancing with Felia. I suddenly realized Holly wasn't around. She's probably mad at me for whatever reason. I finished my cup and I saw Luke staring at me in the corner of my eye. I turned my head all the way to him and he winked playfully. I winked back because he's drunk and he won't remember it the next day anyway. He walked over to me just as a slow song started to play. ''May I have this dance?'' He asked in the cutest way possible. I nodded and knew my cheeks were flushed. I was kinda stunned by the idea of a slow song at this kind of party.

He gently placed his hands on the small of my back and I wrapped my arms around his neck just as he started to move a bit. We just moved from side to side. We stared in each others eyes and just as I got dreamy I placed my head in the crook of his neck. I saw Holly looking at us in disgust and I wondered what the fuck her problem was but just closed my eyes and ignored her for the thousandth time these past days. 

The slow song ended and I lifted my head up to look him in the eyes once again. He moved his head closer to mine and just as I thought he was going to place his soft lips onto mine, he kissed my cheek gently. 

What a night.

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