Chapter 7

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I immediately broke the kiss and turned my attention to the person standing in the door frame. Thank God it was Felia. ''Felia.'' I spoke up and Holly ran away to her room just as Felia wanted to say something. ''It's okay, she's okay.'' I tell her. She nodded and walked up to me to take a seat on the couch.

''I didn't know.'' She blurted. ''I thought you liked Luke.. I mean he's been talking about you a lot these past few days but I must be wrong.'' 

''He is?'' I suddenly blushed and looked down but then realized I had some explaining to do. ''I mean, um.. It's complicated..Holly just admitted that she's gay. She kissed me and wouldn't it be very cruel of me to just pull back?'' I asked and rubbed my temples. 

She nodded. ''I understand. It's okay, I just feel bad for Holly.'' She was so sweet, even after all the nasty looks Holly gave her. Oh my God, that's why she gave her those looks! Holly can't stand the fact that I'm hanging out with other guys or girls. Holly is in love with me. I just couldn't believe it, we had been friends for such a long time and now all of the sudden she's in love with me. 

Felia left after a few minutes and I immediately went to Holly's room to see how she's dealing with everything. As soon as I got to her door, I knew she wasn't doing good because I could litterally hear her sobs through her door. I knocked once. ''Holly?'' I called her name in a high pitched voice. The sobs grew louder for a second but then it stopped and I heard footsteps coming my way. Suddenly the door flew open and there she stood. A crying mess. Her eyes all puffy and red, her mascara ruined. I instantly hugged her and she held me tightly. ''Holly, you have to know that it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's totally normal.'' I felt her nodding against my shoulder and smiled a sad smile to myself. 

''You do have to know one thing though.'' I mentioned and broke the hug to look at her. ''I don't feel the same way about you.. you know I'm not...'' 

''I know.'' She replied and gave me a warm smile. She told me it was okay and that she was okay and that I was okay but mostly, that we were okay. 

I hope she figures this out, because I can't help her with these kinds of things, she just has to find someone she like, someone like her;


I stood there, at his house. Wanting to knock the front door but not being able to. I felt like my body was made of ice. I couldn't move and I suddenly felt the urge to think twice about what I'm doing. Luke just had to give me answers about what happened last night. I just need to know and I really hope that it's not something we both will regret. I don't remember waking up with a hangover but I still have to know. 

I knock twice and wait. I can hear footsteps and just as I'm about to walk away because of my stupidity, he opens the door and flashes a gorgeous smile. I smile back bot not nearly as convinced. ''Is there something wrong, Luna?'' He asked but didn't lose his beautiful smile. He led me inside and we both took a seat on his couch. The same couch I woke up in this morning. 

''It's just..'' I tried. ''I really want to know what happened between us yesterday.. I just hope it's nothing we'll regret and I reallly-'' 

''Hey, hey, easy. We didn't do anything! I swear. The only thing that happened was the kiss and you just took your dress off because you weren't comfortable sleeping in it.'' He rubbed my arms and I nodded because I know I've been paranoid for no reason. ''Okay, you're right. Then I should probably go uh home I guess.'' 

''Why go home?'' He asked and slowly let his arms drop next to his body. ''I don't know, Holly is probably waiting for me.'' I explained. He took a step closer and took in my personal space. ''Why would she wait for you, she didn't wait yesterday, am I right?'' I took a step back and frowned at him.

''She did, now if you'll excuse me.'' Just as I took a step to leave the house he grabbed my arm sternly. ''Hey!'' I argued. He just smirked and winked. '' Ha ha ha, now let go.'' I demanded and gave him a threatening look. ''Fine.'' He gave up and I left the house. I heard him say ''See ya tomorrow babe.'' right before I got out of the house. I ignored him and went home.

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