Chapter 5

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I woke up to the beeping sound of my annoying phone. I turned it off and went downstairs. When I didn't see Holly anywhere, I decided to check the parkinglot for her car but even that place was empty. That meant she went somewhere and I have no idea where. I skipped breakfast just because I felt like it and called Holly. ''Hello?'' She answered. ''Holly, where the fuck are you?'' I asked. ''Don't pretend like you care, baby.'' She said all casual. ''Don't baby me and tell me where the heck you are.'' I was starting to get pretty angry, if she was drinking then she's definitely going to be dead meat. ''Not your business.'' And with that she ended the call. She fucking ended the call.

I just can't believe her! I'm getting to the bottom of her behaviour tonight, I swear to God I don't understand her. Just as I'm about get up, I get a call. I don't bother to look who it is and just pick up in a grumpy mood.

''What?'' I snap, not knowing who's on the other end. I regret my behaviour as soon as I know who's calling. ''Oh, easy on me.'' Luke spoke. ''Oh Luke, I'm sorry.. it's just. Holly and..ugh'' I rubbed my temples in frustration and picked my nails. ''Ohhh, sister drama! Tell me all about it.'' He sounded excited. ''She's not my sister.'' I clarified. ''Whatever, tell me anyway.'' His voice all raspy and hot. -sorry, just raspy-

''I don't know, she's just been acting strange these past couple of days. Whenever I'm around someone else she just shots me dead glares, like really.. it's like she's trying to poison me by giving me those looks, Geez.'' I explained and sighed.

''She just doesn't like all the attention that you get right now, because of your paintings and stuff..'' He coughed. ''Me.'' Totally not obvious. I just rolled my eyes but realized he couldn't see mee so I just let out a soft chuckle. ''So, what are your plans for today?'' He asked. ''Oh, save me the shit and pick me up at 7 for a romantic date at breadsticks.'' I kinda surprised myself with that.

''Alright, dress up for me.'' I could already imagine him winking at me. We said our goodbyes and I promised to be ready at 7pm. I had 7 hours to make myself ready for this 'date' so I took al long shower and did my hair and makeup but didn't have a dress. I called Felia and asked her if she wanted to do some shopping with me, she was so excited about it and was here 5 minutes later. 

''So, what's the kind of dress you need.'' Felia asked right as she stepped inside. ''I don't really know. I just want it to be simple but still gorgeous.'' I answered. ''Also, could you please please please do my hair? I'm pretty clumsy when it comes to that.'' She giggles and nodded. 

''Let's get out of here then! We have some shopping to do.'' She squealed and I almost jumped. I think I have to talk to Holly another time then.


I had bought a beautiful yet simple dress with fitting shoes. Felia had done my hair just the way I wanted it. In a cute little updo. I did my makeup earlier but Felia did the finishing touches. I'm glad she's here to help me with it because she really knows how to do these things. She's like the perfect friend, girlfriend and honestly, the perfect everything. I was in my room with Felia, trying on the dress. 

''Can you zip it?'' I asked Felia. She nodded and walked over to zip it. ''All done?'' She asked. 

''All done.'' I replied. It was 6pm so I still had an hour to talk to Felia. We settled down in the couch with a cold, refreshing drink. 

''So, I heard Luke painted you.'' I said and saw Felia blush. ''Yeah, it was like 1..uh 2 years ago.'' She explained, looking down a bit. ''Hey, no need to be ashamed! It's beautiful.'' I assured her. She nodded and took a sip of her drink. 

''So, would you ever do something like that?'' She asked. ''Well, I don't know..'' I answered honestly. ''It's quite the experience.'' She joked and we both laughed. ''I'm sure it is.'' I said before finishing my drink. We talked for that until Luke came to pick me up. I opened the door for him and he looked handsome as ever. Felia left and went home and Luke took me to Breadsticks short after. 

We had just ordered our meals and were waiting. ''So, it's a beautiful evening, am I right?'' He asked and smiled lightly. ''It is.'' I agreed. The waiter came and brought us our drinks and meals. It looked delicious. I was having a steak with some fries and Luke was having the same thing except for the fries. He actually was only having steak, which was weird.

'Hmm, this is good.'' I moaned and saw Luke gasp. ''Not here, Luna!'' I laughed hysterically when he said that. ''Dude..'' I tried but being cut off by my own laugh. 

We enjoyed the rest of our meals and talked about art and all when suddenly he changed the subject completely. ''Will you come over at my house after the dinner?'' He asked. ''Sure.'' I nodded. ''Only if it's not too long.'' I joked and he laughed again. 

After a while he whispered ''I forgot to say you look stunning today, as always.'' He said and my cheeks warmed up. Honestly, has he ever seen my natural skin colour?

''Thank you.. You look uhm handsome.'' I spoke in an awkward tone. ''I know I do.'' He agreed and made me laugh again. This night honestly couldn't get better. Once we finished our meals, Luke payed for it -like real gentlemen do- and we went to his house as promised. The big house was all cleaned up, compared to the last time I saw the place. There were red cups everywhere. 

We got inside and placed ourselves on the couch, he was quite close to me but I didn't mind. We both had a drink or 3 so we were a little bit tipsy, not drunk at all though. He wrapped his arm around the sofa behind me, holding a glass of wine. ''Do you ever just think about the future?'' He asked me out of the blue. ''Yeah, all the time.'' I replied. ''How do you think your future will look like?''

''I think I will live in a house full of naked women.'' He said and made me laugh a little bit too loud. ''No, for real.'' I said inbetween laughs. ''I will be a famous artist and I will paint all famous women and be very succesfull. I'll live in a big house and drink wine everyday.'' As if his house isn't already big enough. ''For real?'' I ask. ''For real.'' He repeats.

''What about you, Luna?'' I had to think about that for a little while. ''Well, I think I will still live in the same shitty appartement with my roommate who hates me and can't look at me without wanting to kill me. I'll sell my paintings and won't have a job. I'll be bored all day and eat my sadness away.'' I sighed after my little speech was over. Luke pulled his hand from behind the sofa and put a strand of hair behind my ear. ''We both know that's not going to happen.'' He spoke and he was so close I could feel his breath on my lips. I nodded. ''So, do you kiss on the first date?'' He joked and chuckled lightly. ''Don't ruin it.'' I said even though he already ruined it. I smashed my lips to his. Not because I wanted to and not because I wanted to shut him up but just because I felt like it.

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