Coffee shop

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This is sort of a coffee shop AU? But it's still related to Extra Ordinary.

- six years later -

Alex POV

I sat in my usual spot, waiting for my only friend, Jason. It was nice only having one friend, not saying it was bad with my group in college. They were the best, but we split up.

I typed up the last of my work, finishing right when Jason walked up to me with... Nora?

Nora is surprisingly shorter than me, dope personality, softest hair ever, and my girlfriend.

"Hey Nora, hey Jase!" I greeted both of them.

"Hey babe! I managed to be able to leave early. Although, my break only lasts a few more hours." Nora explained. She was an actor, plus a singer.

We all had small talk over french toast and black coffee. They were the only people I had ever met who liked the same kind of coffee as me.

"Hey Alex? I need some advice for some guy I met..." Jase mumbled.

I was about to reply, when something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Holy fuck, it was Lafayette. He seemed to notice me too, and waved, signaling me to come over.

"Hey I'll uh... be right back..." I murmured leaving as quickly as possible.

"Laf! How's it been going? You look so different! Oh my god, I have so much to tell you!" I exclaimed.

"I'm so happy to see you again! It's been going great for me. Also, you look way different. The hairs still lookin' great I see." Lafayette replied.

"Here, come sit with me." I said.

We walked over and I introduced everyone to Laf. We continued talking about how life was for each of us, and Laf sort of cringed when I mentioned Nora being my girlfriend. I guess he still isn't used to John and I not being together anymore.

Fuck. Don't think about John, he isn't worth anything to you anymore.

Nora left for work, and Jase needed to run errands so I decided to chill at Laf's place. He said he shared an apartment with a really nice guy, but he seemed to be very quiet when he talked about what it was like to live with him.

We walked into the big brick building, having his apartment inside. It was a slight mess, random articles of clothing scattered around.

"Sorry for the mess, John and his boyfriend come here a lot to... uh you know what." Laf said.

"Wait?! John is your roommate?! I-"

"Nope, you're not going anywhere! He's probably still asleep anyway." Laf replied.

I sighed, hoping I wouldn't see him at all. He reminded me of too many things.

John POV

I walked out of my room, not expecting Lafayette and Alex, the Alex, watching French Mean Girls. I don't know either.

"Oh, hey Laf." I mumble as I walk to the kitchen. Alex seemed to give me an unnecessary amount of eye contact, obviously hoping I'd talk to him too.

"Hi John! How's it going?" Alex asked, giving up on waiting for me.

"Oh it's fine, everything's fine. You?" I certainly wasn't in the mood for conversation.

"It's going great! Have a nice day!" He exclaimed.

"You too..." I mumbled.

Why did he seem so happy? Who knows, he probably feels guilty under that painfully perfect smile. His slightly uneven, but bright smirk. His hair was slicked back, and he seemed plenty more matured. Still hot as hell though.

I walked into the kitchen, making a coffee to wake me up a bit. I ended up thinking too much about Alex, and made it completely black, no creamer. So that hurt, because he loved it that way.

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