The good news

201 11 2

John POV

I quickly got dressed and left my apartment. Alexander and I were about to tell everyone we were back together. We decided to meet up at the nearby coffee shop and go from there.

Lafayette wasn't even awake yet, meaning I'd be early. But I didn't think I'd be the first to show up. I booked us a large table in the outside seating area and relaxed a bit as I sat down.

"It's finally happening! I'll be able to tell everyone that a man as beautiful as Alexander Hamilton, is mine," I thought to myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as heard the Schuyler Sisters running towards me.

"John! There you are, hello!" Eliza greeted me, taking a seat across from mine.

The other sisters greeted me as Herc, Theo, and Maria appeared.

"Hey everyone!" Theo said, smiling happily.

We all waited until we heard the proud footsteps of Alex walking up to us.

"Alex! You finally arrived!" I exclaimed.

"Yep, I'm here," he laughed nervously, placing himself in the seat next to me.

"Where's Laf?" Herc asked.

"I'm not sure, but he should've arrived by now," I replied.

He shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell he was worried. Almost like he was when Laf didn't show up after going to a bar in college. When they were in love, when they were dating.

"I guess we'll go on without him?" Angelica suggested.

"I guess... anyway! John and I are dating!" Alex announced proudly, but smiling nervously.

Eliza squealed and said, "I knew you two would get back together! I ship it!!!! Oh, and Angelica? You owe me twenty bucks."

We all laughed as Angelica pulled out her wallet.

After that, we had random conversations about almost everything, until we noticed a slight chill as the night grew darker.

"Maybe we should head home," Peggy suggested.

We all realized how late it had gotten, and began to leave.

"John?" Herc asked right before I left.


"When you get back to your apartment, can you please see if Laf is alright? I really worry about him sometimes," Herc said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, sure I guess,"

I walked out holding Alex's hand in the pale moonlight. The stars imitated my freckles, and there was a comfortable silence between us.

"John," I snapped out of my thoughts instantly.


"Oh, nothing. I just like saying your name," Alex laughed nervously.

"Aww," I cooed.

His face turned a light shade of pink in response.

I just stared at his face, it was beautiful. He was the light in my dull little life. He was the angel in the crowd of devils. He was sensitive and sweet, unlike anyone I had ever met.

"I love you," I smiled softly.

"I love you too,"

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