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Alex POV

"Alrighty Sir, you are now officially allowed to leave," The nurse told me.

I still felt numb and guilt though. Even if I was "fine", I still wanted to relapse.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Lex," John held my hand as we walked out of the hospital.

The sun was bright, and the air smelled fresh.

"I guess,"

He frowned. I was tired.

"I'm tired," I admitted.

"We can sleep right when we get home, Lexi,"

I sighed.


I almost passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be back when you wake up," John explained from the corner of my eye.


He left and I went to sleep, but not before messaging someone.

[Private Message]

Rosie: did you have something to do with Eliza firing me?

LordoftheBis: not that I know of

Rosie: what about your boyfriend?

LordoftheBis: don't include him in this

Rosie: he doesn't matter anyway

LordoftheBis: says you

Rosie: fuck off

LordoftheBis: you should really take your own advice

Rosie: you know what? This is over

LordoftheBis: when was it a thing?

I chuckled at my rude remarks, arguing with people was fun.

I fell asleep, but forgot to turn off my phone.

John POV

I walked into the apartment, hands full of Dairy Queen. I sat the food down on the counter, and headed to Alex and I's bedroom.

I noticed Alex was asleep, but his phone was still on. I read through a bit of the messages, and started to feel bad. He was basically forced into loving this girl, which was a cruel thing. I knew the fact he was cheating on me was bad, but I also knew it wasn't his fault.

I decided to forget about it and wake Alex up.

"Alex, wake up,"

"No," he grumbled, wrapping himself up in the covers.

"I have food,"


I knew no matter what I said he wouldn't budge, so I decided to do something else.

I unwrapped the blankets around him slightly, and began kissing his jawline. He still didn't move. I traveled down his neck and hit the sweet spot. He sprang up.

"Alex, you need to eat or else you'll get sick," I warned.


We walked into the dining room and I handed him the food. He only picked at it though.

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