Drunk af

239 12 10

Alex POV

ahh I'm sorry for the lack of chapters lately I've been hella stressed. Plus, I have to spend hours at my school filled with shitty vibes sooo :/

Couple months later

[Group Chat]

AndPeggy: let's all go to Alex's place and get super drunk and surprise him. His apartment is on fuckmedaddy street

Eliza: dafuq?


HORSEFUCKER: I never thought you'd ever say that

AndPeggy: this hasn't been the first time

Laf: wow

TurtleGod: much wow indeed

Maria: ahh can't wait

Theo: on my way there with the sisters~ and Maria


Theo: ok

LordofTheBis: you know I'm still here right?

LordofTheBis has been removed by AndPeggy

TurtleGod: heading there with Laf rn

HORSEFUCKER: I'm almost there

Laf: that's what she said

Maria: why


AndPeggy: I fucking hate all of you btw

Theo: no you love Maria

I looked back up from my phone to see my friends gathered in a circle ready to get drunk as hell. John and Laf seemed disturbingly quiet, especially John. I hoped he was okay.

"Alright! First game! Never have I ever!" Peggy declared.

"Man, we always play this shit!"Laf complained.

"And we always have a good time, so go fuck yourself," Peggy shot back.


"Okay, me first! Never have I ever drunk eight glasses of water in one day!" Peggy exclaimed.

Angelica, Eliza, Theo, Maria, and Mulligan all took a shot.

"Never have I ever been on a plane," John said.

Laf, Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, and I each took a shot.

"Hmm... Never have I ever listened to a musical," I told everyone, knowing everyone there was musical trash. Everyone took a shot.

"Alright, never have I ever flirted my way out of a parking ticket," Eliza grinned.

Laf and I guiltily took a shot.

"Hmm... never have I ever taken part in a talent show," Theo told us.

The Schuyler sisters each took a shot.

"Never have I ever... gone surfing," Laf said in his thick French accent.

Everyone but me took a shot.

"Eliza and I are out!" Angelica declared.

"Never have I ever cheated on a test," Herc announced.

Maria, Theo, and Laf all took shots.

"Never have I ever been awake for more than two days," Maria slurred.

I took my shot.

"Never have I ever fainted," Peggy hiccuped.

Theo, Maria, Laf, and I each took a shot. We were out.

"Never have I ever bit my tongue," John slurred heavily.

Peggy and Herc took their shots. Peggy was out.

"Alright, never have I ever refused a kiss,"

John took his shot.

"Never have I ever smoked weed,"

Herc took the shot.

"Never have I ever sneaked into a party,"

John took a shot.

"Never have I ever gotten arrested,"

Herc was out, John had won.

"Congratulations John!" Angelica replied.

We continued playing games until mostly everyone had gone home. It was just John and I. I felt the urge to kiss him, but I knew he was dating someone. But that didn't stop me from sitting especially close to him.

John POV

"Alex, what are doing?" I asked as he snuggled against my chest. It was insanely adorable, but it was kinda weird.

"Oh, nothing," He answered, obviously drunk.

"I think you should lay down, I need to go home anyway," I said.


"When is Nora going to be home?" I asked, hoping it'd be soon so I'd have an excuse to leave.

"Who's Nora?" Yep, he was definitely drunk as hell.

"Your fucking girlfriend. You're drunk, I'm leaving,"

"Nooooo," He begged as I walked away. I just ignored him and he didn't chase after me, so that's good.

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