
186 8 0

Trigger warning: self harm/ depression/ anxiety

John POV

"Alexander, are you okay?" I asked softly.

We were still fighting from a few days ago. I had heard muffled sobs coming from the bathroom, and decided to check it out.

"Why the fuck do you care?" His voice was quiet.

"Because I love you, Alex!"

"No, no, no! You'll hate me! I messed up! Nobody loves me!" He cried.

"Alexander, just let me in," I said.

There was no voice from inside the room.

I was completely tired of this shit, and just used a nearby bobby-pin. The door opened with a click, and I as I walked in, I saw a horrific scene.

Alex was on the floor, crying, with cuts covering his pale, small arms.

"Holy shit, Alex! How could you do this to yourself?!" I yelled, running over to him.

He didn't say anything as I snatched the razor blade from his trembling hand.

I rummaged through the first aid kit in the cabinet, and began bandaging his wounds. I held him as he cried into my chest.

"J-John I-"

He passed out in my arms before finishing his sentence. Right then, I knew this was serious.

I dialed 911 in panic for his life. They said they'd be at the apartment in five minutes.

After they arrived, they took Alex and went on their way to the hospital.

I was beyond worried, and called the others to tell them about what happened. They told me they'd be at the hospital ASAP.

Before I went on my way there however, I noticed Alex's phone still on the bathroom's tiled floor. I picked it up and realized he had been messaging someone for the past few days we've been fighting. I decided it should wait until I got to the hospital, and left.

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