Emotional boys

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TW: mentions of abuse and self harm ahead!

Alex POV

I closed my laptop as I heard my phone ring, it was John.

"Yes?" I picked up.

"Alex, can I come over?" John asked.

"Well I'm sorta busy. This work is really important-"

"Alexander, please. I feel like this is more important, at least right now," He replied.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, I was starting to get worried.

"I-I guess you could say that," he stuttered.

"Fine, you can come over. Just be quick, okay?"


John POV

I sat my bag down next to the doorway as Alex moved his gaze to mine. His eyes seemed to be filled with worry, I didn't make him scared did I? Jeez, I knew that was a mistake.

"John, tell me what's bothering you," Alex commanded, walking over to me. His tone was depressing, it paired nicely with the look on his face. He truly did care about me.

"I-I," I began, stuttering. Was I really about to tell him everything? "I'm not really sure how to say this. But Jack is-"

He expression suddenly changed when I mentioned Jack. He looked like he was already preparing to fight me to the death.

"Jack is what? John, you need to tell me or I can't help you. Would you rather sit on the couch?" He asked.

I simply nodded my head and avoided eye contact. Then he did something I never thought he'd do again. He held my hand. His hand was smaller than mine, and fit perfectly intertwined in mine. It was perfect, he was perfect. He led me to the couch and sat me down. Then pulled me into a hug and ran his hand through my hair. It felt fucking amazing.

I decided to just flat out say it, get it off my chest. "Jack is abusive." Instant regret filled my senses as I noticed Alex's face drop, and his eyes widen.

"Verbal or physical?" Alex asked.

"Both," I answered, now on the verge of tears.

"John, you should have told me sooner. I could have done something about this before it got too bad,"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Listen, just don't hurt yourself," he warned. "It won't help. It wouldn't change your mind." The last part was barely audible, but I still heard it.

"What do you mean wouldn't change my mind?" I asked.

He sighed. "I guess I just really missed you after college. All I remember is that I couldn't seem to find the positive in anything, which led to bad habits. But this is about you!"

"No, it's not anymore. Alexander, please continue,"

"Fine, I cut myself a lot after you left. I guess I felt like since I wasn't good enough for you, I wasn't good enough for anyone," Alex explained.

"Wait, so this is all my fault? I'm the one who doesn't deserve you at all,"

He didn't respond, just started sobbing onto my shoulder.

"You're okay, Lexi,"

He still didn't answer me. It made me sad seeing him like this, so I started crying too. We were practically 25 year old babies.

Suddenly, he looked up at me. I'm his eyes I saw love and desire.

"I love you," Alex spoke softly.

"I love you too," I smiled. And then, without me knowing how it happened, his lips were on mine.

The kiss was like a burst of joy into my dull world. This kiss was special, because he was awake. After a few minutes of making out, we broke apart.

"So, uh... wanna be my boyfriend?" Alex asked.

"Of course... oh, by the way I brought a little something," I said, gesturing towards my bag still on the ground.


I walked back over to my backpack and pulled out something that I hadn't worn since college. The Patrick from Spongebob costume.

"Oh my god, you still have that?" He asked.

"Yup, it's probably too small for me now, but it might fit you," I suggested.

"Fine," he sighed.

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