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Tobias was already outside with Sasha, Klaus, and Diego, standing just off the porch to greet the group that was walking towards them, lead by Adalwolf. He looked different than what I remembered; older. His dark hair was graying and speckled, a short trimmed beard shadowed along his jaw and wearing a grungy brown coat that fell to his knees, carrying a bag over his shoulder. His dark blue eyes were still as sharp as ever, so even if he was getting older, he still looked like he could kick someone's ass just for the fun of it.

Following at his heels was a girl sporting short strawberry blonde hair and dark eyes, and beside her was a man near Tobias' height, his hair brown and his eyes pale blue, almost unnervingly so. There were three other men still standing at the cars they'd driven up in, a group of rebels had joined them to help bring out the supplies they'd brought along.

From where I was standing on the porch with Bryn, I could see familiar black cases of weapons, additional cases with crosses painted on the sides, even food, and I felt myself relax. Adalwolf was there now, with Tobias' men, and they brought supplies to help. We'd... be okay now, definitely.

Bryn nudged me to continue forward with a hand on my back, and I hiked down the steps, glancing over my shoulder to make sure he was following, but frowning when I noticed he was staying on the porch, arms folded and leaning against the railing. I wanted to ask what he was doing, but decided not to put him on the spot, turning back around to join Tobias, one hand clinging to his arm, standing between he and Klaus, and noting how Diego had placed himself behind the tall German, peering around his arm.

"Adalwolf," Tobias beamed as the old man finally reached us, holding his hand out as if expecting a hug or for the man to at least shake it, but he just narrowed his eyes and stepped closer, reaching up to grasp Tobias by the forehead.

"What the hell's this?" he demanded, referring to the bandage taped to Tobias' temple, "I don't recal you ever mentioning getting hurt, schwachkopf!"

"Well it wasn't really important," Tobias whined, brushing his hand aside and touching the bandage, "I'm fine, it was just a scratch."

"He's lying," Bryn supplied from behind us, "Building fell on top of him and basically tore a chunk of his skin back."

Tobias pouted over at him, "Stop getting me in trouble, that's not fair," he turned back to his doctor, who was peering at him, arms folded, "I am fine now, Arthur patched me up. There are more important things to worry about."

"Hm," Adalwolf shifted just a bit to the side, smiling when he saw me, "Da bist du ja! You're the one I wanted to see!" I felt my lips lift into a soft smile as he moved closer to hug me, releasing Tobias so I could return the embrace, though all I did was lift my arms, not really touching him.

Normally I'd feel uneasy, but I didn't feel that nervous with Adalwolf touching me, and figured that was a really good sign. I trusted him after all, he was a good man, a good doctor.

When he pulled back he held me at arms length, eyeing me carefully with a serious frown before humming, "Too pale," he decided, and I frowned in indignation, "Have you been eating?" I nodded firmly, and Adalwolf looked over at Tobias.

"He has been," he assured, and the doctor hummed again in clear disbelief.

"I'd like to give you both a check up," he decided, "No offense to the rebellion's medic, I'd just prefer to see how you are myself."

"We figured you would," Tobias agreed, "There's already a private room for you to work."

"Good," he stepped back, looking over his shoulder, "I'll leave the others to unpack. Ah, before I forget," he smiled at me again, "You don't know these new people, so I'll introduce you before we go," he held his hand towards the two behind him, "The woman is Marlisa Thomas, the man is Anton Hirsch."

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