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"It's still uncertain what will happen. His body is weak, and he lost a dangerous amount of blood for a healthy person, so considering his unsteady immune system it's a miracle he survived it in the first place." Adalwolf's voice was terse and to the point, almost more serious than he normally talked.

Something must have happened...

"I've managed to finally get his heart rate to a stable beat per minute, and the transfusion helped in replenishing his blood, but it will still take time for him to fully recover what he lost. Another month at least. He needs to be in a stress free environment, and I really mean it this time. If his stress levels get too high, or he overexerts himself, his lungs could collapse, or he could go into shock. We won't know the extent of his respiratory capabilities until he wakes up."

"I understand," Tobias' voice followed, shaky and weak, and I felt my fingers curl into soft fabric — sheets or a blanket. "Bryn, collect our women and men in the cafeteria and let them know we're going home soon. Prepare shuttles to bring us to where the jets were hidden. Do we have the fuel to bring us home?"

"We made sure to bring a few extra tanks, and I'm sure the rebellion would be willing to provide some if we need it. One jet has enough fuel to bring us into Vienna, the other will only take us to France."

"Save the first one for us. I want Carter home without any delays."

I tried to talk, but I couldn't seem to form words. My lips felt numb and my throat ached as if I'd swallowed iron. Opening my eyes was the hardest thing I'd ever done. It would have been so much easier to just go back to sleep, but I wanted to see Tobias. He sounded so upset.

My head was a foggy mess, and I couldn't seem to finish a thought or remember what was going on. I just felt tired. When I managed to open my eyes, I was staring up at a white ceiling with blinding lights fixtures hanging from it. It looked like a hospital room, and the familiarity helped to remind me of where I was and why. At the university hospital. We'd been there for weeks now because of the war. How long? A month? Is that how long we'd been fighting?

It was so quiet. I tried to speak again, uncurling my fist and stretching my fingers out for something. I didn't know what. I couldn't seem to turn my head, so all I could do was reach blindly until I heard someone gasp. Warm calloused fingers curled around mine and squeezed. I could feel the cool of his wedding ring against my skin and sighed as his face came into view above me.

His hazel eyes were bloodshot and his hair was hanging in his face. I almost never saw him like that unless we were going to bed. Even his clothes were a bit too casual compared to what he usually wore. Though he still wore a white dress shirt, the buttons were uneven and the collar was skewed. The skin under his eyes was dark from lack of sleep, and I felt the aching desire to take him into my arms to comfort him.

"He's awake."

More footsteps, and Adalwolf's exhausted face appeared next to Tobias. He placed a hand on my head and stroked his fingers through my hair. The poor doctor looked almost ten times older than he should have, I could have sworn I saw a few new streaks of grey in his hair. What the hell was going on?

"Carter can you hear me?" Tobias was the one to ask, but I couldn't nod my head, so I just squeezed his hand. He smiled weakly in response, his eyes glassy.

"Can you breathe?" Adalwolf asked, and I managed to make a noise, wobbling my head a little.

He reached out when he'd gotten the answer he wanted and pulled something off my face. Pressure around my mouth and nose released, and I took in a deep breath as he lifted the oxygen mask away from my face.

Broken Doll {ManxMan}Where stories live. Discover now