03 | I Know.

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The doorbell rings. Finally. I've been waiting all day to talk to Sage. The hospital visit took a little longer than expected. Dr. Sullivan took samples of blood to make sure it wasn't infected, and after he cleaned my leg one more time to be sure all of the dirt was out, he spent half an hour explaining to Sandy all of the precautions that needed to be taken to make sure it healed correctly. Most moms would've taken light notes while the doctor talked, but Sandy recorded the entire conversation. I just hope the microphone quality on her phone is crappy, so she can't hear me sighing in the background. Dr. Sullivan said I should stay off my leg for awhile so that meant no going to school today. Which meant no James. I almost cried when he told me. He also said to use the crutches he gave me 24/7 for 2 weeks or until it healed. I almost cried at that, too. There's no way I'll be able to be apart of the crew in Drama if I can't even walk.

When I open the door for Sage, she bombards me with questions. I only texted her that I wouldn't be at school today, not the reason. I told her I would tell her everything after school and that I'm sorry she'll have to take the bus.

"Cass, really? You ditch me on just the second day of school? Did Sandy finally give in to your argument? Cause usually your first ditch day is at least two weeks in." She gives me the evil eye and looks down. "Holy Cow, Cass! WHAT HAPPENED????"

"Shhhhhhh," I drag her in through the door, "Just shush until we get to my room."

"Great, this again." She rolls her eyes at me and follows me up the stairs.

"This isn't some girl talk, Sage. This is serious."

She sits on the edge of my bed and says, "Ok, I'm here for you. But this serious talk better include an explanation of why you have freaking crutches."

I sit beside her and think of my next words very carefully. I want someone to talk about all this with, but I'm afraid that Sage'll think I'm crazy. I know I would if I was her.

"Do you remember when I woke up screaming at my birthday sleepover?"

She stares at me quizzically. "Yes...you said you had a nightmare, right?"

"Yeah, so here's the thing, ever since that night, I've had the same nightmare over and over." I look over to see what her facial expression is. She looks sympathetic and worried about me. She's such a great friend. "But last night was different. I woke up with blood all over my sheets and a gash on my left leg. That's what all this is about." I refer to my leg and the bandage wrapped around it. "At first, I thought I must've scratched it on the side of my bed, but then I saw how big the "scratch" was, and the doctor said he found dirt in my leg. So I thought back to my nightmare. In it, I scratch my leg on a branch. I guess what I'm saying is, do you think I'm crazy? Cause I'm freaking out on the inside, and all I really want is someone to talk with that doesn't think I'm crazy." I take a deep breath and turn to Sage.

"I don't think you're crazy," she mutters, "because I've had the same experience." My lower jaw almost falls off my face when I hear this.

"Seriously? Because if you're playing with me, there's a huge likelihood that we won't be friends anymore." I laugh nervously.

"I'm serious, Cass. Mine were not as intense and gruesome as yours seem to be, but in them, I would burn my hand on a toaster then wake up with red blistered fingers."

"I'm so sorry, Sage," I tell her.

She laughs it off. "Oh, please, you're the one with crutches. I'm sorry, by the way."

"Yeah, me too. What do you think is going on?" I look down and fiddle my finders. "Because I need to know what's going on before the person chasing me in my nightmares shoots me," I whisper to myself. At least I thought it was to myself, but Sage grabs my shoulder and yells, "What?!"

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