14 | For Her

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Cassie's hair whipped from left to right as she ran. I had been right behind her until they grabbed me from behind. There were four of them, all trained Six agents. I knew they would catch at least one of us. I just had to make sure it was me.

I watched Cassie get as far as she could. I knew she'd eventually realize I wasn't behind her, I just prayed that it'd be when she was out of sight. And as they dragged me away, my eyes scanned the woods for any clue of Cassie. I was so relieved when I couldn't find any trace or her. It meant they couldn't find her either.

But I wish I could've told her she'd be ok. That she didn't need to worry about me, she should refuse whatever ultimatum they'd offer her. That I loved her.

My captors blinded me with a brown sack and drove me to wherever the Six hideout is. They stuffed me in a small and boring cell with meals once a day. It's barely enough to live on. I get water twice a day, but I have no idea how long I've been stuck here. Between the torture and beatings, my head has been out of it. I've been trying to withstand the abuse, but it's getting more frequent. They're really desperate to know where our hideout is. The days until war strikes are counting down, and the Four has the upper hand. They have Cassie. And that sure is a coincidence because Cassie is the only reason I'm still sane. I will never tell them where she is.

"Let's go," a guard says as he drags me out of my cell.  This is pretty routine, so I don't fight it when one of them comes and retrieves me for some torture. The first day I was here I tried to fight them, but it was no use. There were so many of them that I could barely make it out if my cell. The Six must have recruited other humans other than the 15 teenagers that get the memories. "Today is a special day for you, Nixon," the guard says.

"Oh yeah? Why's that? 'Cause I get to hang out with an asshole?"

The guard's chest moves up and down as he chuckles. "Actually, today you get to hang out with two assholes."

The guard brings me into a wide room that almost resembles a ballroom but much more plain. He ties me down to a metal chair and takes his position in the corner. It's not long until I hear a familiar voice. It's deep but not like a grown man's. More like a teenager. The man steps from the shadows and says, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Nixon kid."

"James," I growl. "Did I die and go to hell? Because I'm not surprised to see you here."

James smiles, revealing a line of perfect white teeth. "Relax, Nixon. I haven't killed you. Yet."

"Well, if you're going to, just get on with it. I think it's time I check out of this boring hotel of yours. The food isn't that great."

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you. What fun would that be? I'm going to watch you suffer."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you miss the three-day marathon?" I reply back with snark.

"Oh, I'm not here to punch the living crap out of you like this guy over here did," he says while pointing to the guard, "I'm the Boss's second, I don't do that stuff. I'm here to watch your mental breakdown." He smiles viciously. "See, there's someone I want you to meet. Although, I believe you've already met. You can come out now."

I figure steps from the same shadow James was once in. My breath catches in my throat as I see the waves of her hair and the familiar dark green eyes. She steps forward, revealing herself.

"Hello, Nick," Cassie's mom says.

"Ms. Clove?"

"Actually, it's Mrs. Johnson now. James's dad and I got married." She holds up her left hand with a sad smile.

"What are you doing here?"  I ask. She opens her mouth to answer, but James interrupts her.

"She's here for the same reason you're here. Except she came willingly. See, my stepmom here wants her daughter to live. Honestly, so do I. Cassie is an amazing woman --"


Cassie's mom flinches at my outburst while James just laughs. "Nixon, I can do whatever I want. I'm not the one tied to a chair. Anyways, as I was saying, my stepmom understands the importance of this situation. She's already told us the location of your little hideout. The team should be retrieving Cassie here in a few short minutes," he looks at his watch, "And in exchange, we promise to keep Cassie alive. That part was easy because that was my plan all along. You might not see it, but I do love her, Nixon. I love Cassie, and I will do anything to protect her. But I can't protect her if she's on the other side of my gun barrel in this war.  This way it'll be easier to make sure she stays in this world."

"She won't do it. She'll never help you, and you know it."

"Yes, while it is true that Cassie will most likely not willingly help us, she will."

"You're delusional," I exclaim.

"Nixon, I'm not delusional. Don't you think there's a reason you're still alive?" He leans closer. "While it pains me to admit this, you and I both know she loves you. I haven't seen her since the night at the cliff, but I'm guessing you've been working your charm. Am I right?"

I stare into those cold, hard brown eyes and refuse to say anything.

"I am, am I? And judging by the way you want to protect her, you love her, too."

Again, I keep silent.

"Well join the club, my friend! That explains your stubbornness. You won't give up the Four's hideout because you know that means giving her up. Wow, that must be some love. I don't think I love her that much. But I guess we'll find out when the time comes to let her live. Or die." James smiles like a snake and turns on his heel. "Let's go, Stepmom. I was right. He's breaking down."

"What do we do now?" I hear Cassie's mom ask.

"Now we wait."

"For what?"

"Why, for her, of course."



Sorry, this is such a short chapter, I wanted to include an extra one from Nick's point of view. Hope you liked it!

-Danielle Smith

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