15 | Too Late

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When we found Cassie, I didn't know what to think. Maybe she'd been on drugs, maybe she hit her head. Or maybe she was drunk. I never expected the answer to be that she simply fainted. We didn't call an ambulance, just had our doc look at her.

When we got back from bowling, everyone had already found out that Nick and Cassie had snuck out even though Nick was technically still on bed rest. But when we couldn't find them at the hideout, all of us were really worried and had no idea what had happened. We thought there had been some kind of attack or maybe they just lost track of time. Mark, Ms. Smith, and I went looking for Cassie and Nick to make sure everything was alright when they didn't show up an hour later. After we checked some of their favorite places, we decided they could be in real trouble. That's when we drove by Nick's motorcycle. It had a flat tire and was pretty banged up from hitting a tree. At first, we all thought they just got in an accident and had gotten a ride back to the hideout. I suggested we look deeper into the woods just to make sure we didn't miss anything. Sure enough, Cassie was lying on the ground with her face smudged in dirt. She was completely passed out, but surprisingly, she looked peaceful.

Mark carried her back to the van and sat her in the back, so the doc could take a look at her. He concluded that she had had a panic attack and fainted. He didn't know when she would wake up because her subconscious could be holding her back.

On the ride back I tried to figure out why Cassie wouldn't be waking up. Was it something I said? I know I had been a little distant because I've been hanging around Mark lately, but I didn't think I was totally ignoring her. But then I thought about how we didn't find Nick. Ms. Smith said that judging by the shape of the motorcycle, the bullet shells, and Cassie's panic attack that the Six attacked them and had taken Nick. The only reason Cassie was still alive and here with us is that Nick saved her.

She must feel so guilty that she doesn't want to face us. Either that, or...

Oh my, God.

It all made sense now.

Cassie loves Nick. And since he's gone, she doesn't want to wake up without him.

And she must really love him because she was out for 16 hours. I had to tell her aunt she was staying at my house for awhile because I didn't want to be alone while my stepdad rotted in jail. Sandy was cool with this like always, but she still suggested I come stay with them. I told her thanks, but I'd rather have the comfort of my own bed. I just hope she doesn't try to surprise us with cookies or anything because God knows I'll never actually go back to that house. No matter how comfortable my bed is.

I sat next to Cassie until midnight when Ms. Smith told me to get some rest, she'd stay with her. I went straight to my room and laid in bed. My eyes were so droopy that I knew I would fall asleep in no time, but even though I was so tired I could sleep for days, I still couldn't fall asleep. All I could do was think about was Cassie. She hasn't even gotten her own room in the hideout because she's either been at her house or in the hospital bed, and she doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve a life where she's back in the emergency room almost every day. She didn't ask for those memories, those stupid secrets. And maybe if she didn't get them, I wouldn't know I had a brother. Or that he was killed. Then I wouldn't have to feel the pain.

All Cassie ever wanted was a nice life with James Johnson. It was her dream, he was her love. And look where both of those ended. James is a crazy psychopath, and as for where her life's headed now, it's kind of too late to back out.

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