04 | Level Up

30 3 1

"He said WHAT?!" Sage yells over the phone. I called her right after the Nick thing. She's freaking out. In my head, I can see her watching the street from her bedroom window to make sure Nick isn't making rounds.

"I know, right? It was really creepy, too. Like why do you have to sneak up on someone in the dark? Why not just send a text? At least then you wouldn't give a girl a heart attack."

"That jerk. You know what, I'm going to talk to him tomorrow. I don't care that he laughed in my face. You mess with my bestie, you get to deal with me," she says as she tries to act tough and fearless. I can see through the glamour, though.

"Sage, you don't have to do that. I'll talk to him."

"What're you going to say?"

"I'll just tell him if he bothers me or you one more time, I'll report it to the principal as bullying," I tell her confidently.

"Cass, that won't work. Besides, if what he's saying is true, we should probably speak to him some time or another. But for now, just avoid him. It's easy. I've been doing it for 2 years. If you have any trouble tomorrow, text me."

"Ok," I respond, "And before I forget, I have to go to Drama tomorrow to help out with rehearsals, so I'm not leaving when Sandy comes and picks Aiden up. But she'd be happy to drive you home if you don't want to take the bus." Usually she'd take the bus if I couldn't drive her, but since Sandy is already picking Aiden up, I figured I'd let her know.

"Ok, but I thought you weren't allowed to go anywhere after school?"

"Yep, doctor's orders, but Sandy says since they have no one else that I can go. I just have to tell them that I won't be able to stay after school until the two weeks are up."

"Oh, ok," she says, "Let me know how great of an actor James is." She squeals and hangs up.

When my nightmare wakes me up, once again, all I can think about is Drama auditions. I had totally forgotten that James was auditioning. I wonder what part he's auditioning for. Or who will be the girl cast lead? Will he like her more than me? No, he wouldn't do that. Or would he? I don't really know him. You know what, I'll worry about it if he gets the part. I don't even know how great of an actor he is.

I'm awakened by the buzzing of my phone. I sit up and realize it's the first time that I've woken up in my bed since the incident. I look over at my phone, still a little drunk on sleep, to see that Sage texted me. Her message says, Cass, I swear if you don't text James right this instant I'm going to punch you in the gut...idc if ur handicapped or not! You need to be engaged in this relationship!!! Well, that's not new. Sage is always on my back for keeping my flirting up. It actually kind of helps.

I get dressed quickly, so Sage won't punch me when we pick her up. And, yes, she will actually punch me. She's done it before.

I pick up my phone as Sandy sets down mine and Aiden's breakfast bowls of cereal. She's more of a dinner fanatic. I see another text come through, but this one is from Noah. It says, Dang it, Cass...Sage is chirping my ear off on the phone rn bc u haven't texted James.

How does she know I haven't texted him yet??? I respond.

Idk...she just does, he responds. I look up from my phone. I'm guessing there's a really confused look on my face because Aiden says, "What's wrong?" I look off into the distance, confused, until I see Sandy pointing to the window above the sink. She looks like she's about to blow with giggles. I follow her finger to the window and see Sage. Her face is pressed so hard against the glass that it gives it that distorted look where someone ran over her. I shake my head at her and go open the door.

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