11 | Cold Sores

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Nick and I watch as James turns and runs towards the forest on the other side of the cliff. Once Nick is sure he's gone, he puts both of his hands on each of my shoulders and turns toward me.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, just spooked, that's all." I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt you anymore." I look up into the fierce blue eyes protecting me from the dangerous world. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull myself closer to him. I put my head in its spot: at his shoulder, and he rests his chin on my head. I smell in the familiar scent of sugar that he carries with him. I let my eyes close, and my mind rest when he starts humming. It's a beautiful tone with perfect harmony that sounds familiar. I listen closer and feel the vibrations of his chest. He's singing the Titanic theme song. I look up at him and ask, "Really?"

He shrugs and says, "I thought it was appropriate for a time like this."

I laugh. "Seriously? The song is called 'My Heart Will Go On'."

"Too soon?"

"Um, yeah." We laugh with each other.

"Hey, you hungry?"

"A little, why?" Nick smiles and jerks his head towards the street. I look where he's pointing and see a car.

"Is that yours?" I ask him.

"Yeah, come on."

(Nick POV)

I lead Cassie to my car and open the passenger door for her. I close it and walk around to get in on the driver side. Once I sit, she asks, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," I tell her.

By the time that we enter the Waffle House parking lot, she's figured it out. In fact, she's been looking at the menu the entire time. When I ask her why she needs it, she just says, "Hey! Don't judge!"

All I can do is laugh.

We sit in the same seat we've sat at every time, and our waitress comes and takes our orders as soon as we get settled. Cassie takes a quick trip to the bathroom. When she comes back, I'm surprised. Because instead of sitting across from me, she sits next to me.

Cassie leans back and lets her head fall on my lap. She bends her legs, so they don't hang off the seat.

"Do you ever think of just running away?" she asks me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like getting out of this stupid little town. The only thing I liked about it was the fact that it was so small it made me feel safe. Now I just hate all of it."

"You're forgetting about what would happen if you tried to run. They'd find you."

She sits up on my lap. "What if we were really careful?"

"You want me to come with you?"

"Of course I do."

"Oh, ok."

"What?" she asks.


"Mhm...so you think it's time to talk about that kiss?" I look into her eyes, only inches away from mine. Her face is uneasy like she's unsure what to do next. I do the only thing I'm sure of. I kiss her.

And she kisses me back.

Her hands come up to my face, and suddenly I'm holding her in my arms. We kiss until my gosh darn phone starts ringing. She pulls away as I get my phone out of my pocket. The Boss is calling me. I answer and put my phone up to my left ear, the opposite side to where Cassie's head is.

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