19 | It's About Time

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Everyone takes their seats at a long, elegant table in the dining room. With a name card in front of me, I take my place across from Frank and next to James, who is sitting at the end of the table. The guests laugh with each other as they carry on their conversations, but I stare into the eyes of Frank. He gives me a deadly smile saying, Don't you dare try anything. Stupid, really, because I can't not try something. Before I cooperate with their little games, Nick has to be out of this mansion and safe.

Also, this guy's really starting to get on my nerves. Oh yeah, and he's an ass.

Several waiters and waitresses walk out of the kitchen and serve us the appetizer: crab cakes. My attention goes from Frank's death stare to the food on my plate, and I decide to make my move after I've devoured them.

I pick up my fork and knife and take a few bites of the cake. Delicious.

"Excuse me, everyone!" James stands and taps his fork to his wine glass. "I would like to make a toast." Everyone raises their glasses. "Today we celebrate my lovely fiancee." He turns his eyes towards me. "Our love is of the purest I've seen in my lifetime. I want to spend every moment with you. I want to wake up beside you and fall asleep with you. In sickness and in health."

I give him a sour smile and hold my hand to my heart. "That was lovely, my dear." James sits down with an appreciative smile on his face and several awed ones looking back at him. "It's going to be really hard to top it," I say.

I hear many "Awww"s and "Oooooh"s from around the table as I stand up. I give James and Frank I cynical smile as they wait for my speech, on edge. Their faces fall when they realize something they hadn't anticipated is about to go down.

With a faux smile on my face, I start, "Ladies, gentlemen. We are all gathered here for one reason," I pause. The guests look back at me with happy smiles. "It is to witness me, your very own Cassie Clove, make my final demand." Everyone's faces drop in confusion.  I turn to Frank. "Let my boyfriend go." All people around the table gasp as they notice I'm not talking about James. Frank sends a chilling chuckle down my spine as he notices my efforts to push him into finalizing the deal I made. When I realize it's going to take more than public humiliation to make this guy do what I want, I grab the butter knife from beside my plate and hold it up against my own throat.

Whispers flow through the air as the guests adjust to their shock. What is she doing? Is she crazy? Their marriage is definitely not going to last, I hear one guy say. He's the only smart one at this table.

"Cassie, no," James grunts, "Don't do this. Frank was going to let him go right after tonight."

"Well, excuse me, if I don't believe him."

"It's true," Frank says with a wild grin on his face. He's enjoying this way too much, that psychopath.

"Well, then you won't mind pushing it up a little earlier. Like now."

"Little girl, sit your ass down in that chair and enjoy the meal. Might be the last one you ever have with that attitude of yours." Frank relaxes and takes some more bites of his crab cakes, but I don't budge.

"Let Nick leave right now, or I swear I'll slit my own throat."

Frank laughs. "You're bluffing."

To show him just exactly how much I'm not, I start cutting. I cringe at the pain but focus on my main goal to get Nick out of this hellhole. The blood drips down my neck and casually lands on my crab cakes, topping them off.

"ENOUGH!!!" James yells and bangs down on the table. "Boss, you know how much I respect you, but she is not going to die today, you hear me? Now, please, I'm begging you, give her what she wants." I'm surprised to see a tear rolling down James's cheek as he begs his master.

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