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    The police arrived at Kerry's house.

"you want to file a missing persons report?"


"who is the missing person?"

"Tia Smith."

"How long has she been missing?"

"how long has she been gone?"

"since this morning I believe. when I woke up, she was fine. I thought she left for school."

"do you know where she could have gone?"

"I don't know. last place I saw her she was sleeping. and I was told she didn't go to school today."

"well ma'am. we have a policy that you have to wait 24 hours before filing a missing persons report."

"I don't think she would just run off like that.x

"maybe she'll come back tonight."

"no. I think something happened."

"why is that?"

"she had to testify against a big time thug yesterday & some of his boys were threatening her."

"well I'm sorry ma'am but you can't file the report until tomorrow morning."


The police left.

Tia's POV

  I woke up cold & sweaty. I was not in my bed. it was dark & I had no clothes on.

I tried standing up but I fell back down.

my head was throbbing & I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I looked around & noticed I was in a basement.

I heard loud footsteps walking around upstairs. they were talking. I tried listening closely. their were two guys.

Where is she?

the girl i told jimmy to kidnap.

in the basement.


what you want with her?

imma teach her a lesson.

what'd she do?

she got ghost locked up.


that Lil bitch testified.

who is she?

that Lil bitch Tia.


The voice sounded shocked & kinda familiar.

I know her. your not gonna hurt her are you?

umma do more than just hurt her.

I recognized the voice, it was Tyrone's.


Hey guys

I know my updates have been a Lil spaced out.

I'm sorry.

I want to thank all my readers for helping me reach 1k!

thank you soooo much.

any questions. thoughts or comments.

let me know, I'm on

Instagram @oh.doll

twitter @tvtyana___

Kik. @_kisshercrown_

Don't be shy. I'm very nice. & open to advice.

What do you think Reggie wanted to talk about?

police policies right?

Do you think they'll find her or will it be too late?

well see...

  -Tatyana xoxo

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