Chapter 8

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"I miss you so much baby."

This was always the first thing Jack said to me when we FaceTimed. I thought it was adorable and it made me smile every time no matter what kind of mood I was in.

It's already been a whole month without the boys and us girls were taking things pretty hard. We tried to talk whenever it was possible but they were busy with Magcon and we were busy with finals and things were crazy. Besides, it's not the same as actually being with them. The good thing though was that regardless of the distance, none of the couples broke up. We were also motivated by the fact that the boys were coming back to New Jersey in 2 weeks and they would be spending the whole summer with us.

My friends told me I had serious Jack withdrawal because I was moody unless I was talking to or about him. I think it was senioritis and Jack just happened to make me really happy.

But either way, June 24th could not come fast enough.


"Sam, what do you think about this one?" My mom asked, holding up a green sundress. Graduation was 2 weeks away and my mom wanted to take me shopping for a new dress. We had been at the mall for over 2 hours and so far we haven't found anything. I really wasn't in the shopping mood but my mom was insistent.

I made a face at the current dress she was holding up. "Too green," I commented.

She sighed, placing it a bit too forcefully back on the rack. "What is your problem?" She complained. "Usually you love shopping. I don't understand why you're so difficult today."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, I'm just not in the mood today I guess."

"Yeah well ever since Jack left you haven't been in the mood for anything. He'll be back in 2 weeks, can you drop the attitude in the meantime?" Now she was angry. If I was pissing her off so much why is she just saying something now?

"Mom, I'm not upset about Jack..." I insisted but she cut me off.

"Really? Then what is it?" She demanded. "What is making you so down lately? I barely even recognize you."

"I don't know!" I shouted at her a bit more loudly that I intended. I was just so fed up with everything right now and I didn't even know why.

"Is it your time of the month?" My mom asked carefully. I was surprised she didn't snap back at me but I guess she figured that would just make things worse.

"I don't even know. I think I'm pretty late actually," I admitted. My mom said nothing.

"Samantha," the way she said it told me something really bad was about to happen.

"Yes, Mom?" I said as sweetly as I possibly could.

"I promise you that I'm not going to be mad at you and I won't yell or punish you. But only if you are completely honest with me. If you're not, then there will be consequences. Understand?" She proposed. I could only nod.

"Did you..." I could tell she was struggling to formulate her words. "Did you do... anything, you know, sexual with Jack?"

Silence. How the hell was I supposed to admit something like that to my mom?

"Samantha?" My mom urged.

I still said nothing. But after one look at my mother's clearly heartbroken face, I broke down crying in the middle of Macy's. "I'm so sorry," was all I kept saying over and over. My mom pulled me into her arms and comforted me while I cried even though I was pretty sure she wanted to cry too.

My mom spoke again after a few minutes when I had calmed down for the most part. "Honey, I know you're almost 18 and that you're going to do things like that. I get that, I was a teenager once too. But you have to be careful. No parent can stop their child from having sex but they can teach them how to be safe."

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