Chapter 2

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"I call cuddling with Connor!" Derrick announced once we reached our destination. We had all squeezed into my mom's car and she had just dropped us off in front of iPlay for the night which was where Magcon would be the next day.

"No way, Connor's mine," Spoon joked.

"Fight me BITCH," Derrick challenged.

"Simmer down, children," Alexa scolded. My mom only let us camp out because Alexa was going to be there. We had called her at the last minute and she agreed to come. Alexa was the innocent one of the group and she was like our mother. My mom hoped that she would keep us in order and not let us do stupid things. Little did she know, Alexa was probably going to fall asleep within a few minutes of us settling down.

"Do I have any say in who I get to cuddle with?" Connor asked looking directly at me.

"No, because you'll pick the slut," Derrick stated boldly. I laughed as we dropped our things in front of the building and started setting up.

"Are you sure this isn't illegal?" Alexa asked, seeming concerned.

"Don't worry, I know how to deal with cops," I told her reassuringly. But she just seemed even more concerned that I didn't deny her question.

"I'm hungry," Victoria announced. "Can we go get Krispy?" Krispy was our favorite pizza place and it just so happened to be in the same complex as iPlay.

"I'll go," I offered, standing up.

"Me too," Derrick said, jumping to his feet. "I want garlic knots."

Victoria, Derrick and I collected money from the group before heading over to Krispy to get our usual order of 3 large pies, 2 liters of Pepsi and 1 order of garlic knots.

"Is the pizza any good here?" An oddly familiar male voice asks behind me.

I turned around and started to say it's the best when I realized who I was talking to. Jack Gilinsky accompanied by Shawn Mendes. I fell silent as Jack smiled at me. I smiled back flirtatiously and his grin widened.

"Oh the pizza is just fabulous. Sami, do you know these attractive males?" That's Derrick for you.

Jack offered me his hand his eyes not leaving mine. "I'm Jack," he tells me as if I don't already know. "You must be Sami."

"Sami, Sam whatever you prefer," I shrugged hoping I sounded casual, but my heart was beating loudly in my chest.

"I'm the only one who calls her Sami," Derrick interjects. "But I can make exceptions for beautiful people."

Jack and Shawn both laugh and I find myself laughing too. Derrick can be so forward sometimes. Just kidding, he was always like that.

"Nice bandana," Jack compliments and it takes me a second to remember that I'm even wearing a bandana. Then it hits me that my bandana also has his name written all over it.

"Thanks," I said, feeling more confident in his presence. "I wear it all the time," I joked.

He and Shawn both laughed at this before Shawn stepped up to place their order.

"I'm Derrick and I like boys," Derrick interjected suddenly, turning to Jack. He uses this introduction with every new person he meets to test if they're worthy of his friendship by their reaction.

Jack smiled and held out his hand to Derrick. "I'm Jack and I admire your confidence," he said as Derrick shook his hand.

"I like this guy," Derrick not-so-whispered in my ear. Me too, I thought, me too.

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