Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing the next morning. I stretched my arm out and grabbed it off of the dresser. I instantly smiled at the name on the screen and unlocked my phone to read the message:
Jack: Good morning beautiful :) what time should I pick you up for Magcon?
It was currently 9:24 and I could be ready in about an hour. Magcon didn't actually start until 6 but I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Jack. I sent him a quick reply.
Me: how about 10:30?
He sent another text confirming the time and I sent a message to Leah letting her know the plan. I climbed out of bed to start getting ready.
I was proud of myself for being 15 minutes early. It was probably because I was anxious to see Jack but still, early was early. I turned to look in the mirror for the last time. I was wearing a cute black and white floral print crop top with high waisted shorts and black t-strap sandals. I had also curled my hair and accessorized with a white bow in the back.
The doorbell rang and I rushed downstairs. I flung open the door and was greeted by an overjoyed Leah. "Hey, you're really happy," I noted with a laugh as she walked through the door.
"Cameron and I were texting all last night and he told me that he liked me, like really liked me," she explained excitedly.
"Leah that's awesome!" I gushed, pulling her in for a hug. When we pulled apart, she examined my outfit.
"You look adorable," she complimented.
"Thanks, you look great too," I told her. She was wearing a light pink sundress with white jeweled flip flops. Her hair was also curled and looked amazing. Cameron was definitely not going to be able to keep himself from murdering her vagina.
"Hi Leah," my mom greeted as she entered the hallway where we were talking.
"Hi Mrs. Miller," Leah greeted her politely.
"So you girls are off to Magcon day 2?" My mom inquired as if she didn't already know.
Leah nodded and I told her, "We're just waiting for our ride."
"Who are you going with?" She asked.
"Sam's boyfriend," Leah blurted and I smacked her arm.
"Oww," she complained.
"You have a boyfriend?" My mom questioned, confused. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's not a big deal," I muttered, hoping she would drop the subject. But of course she didn't.
"It's a huge deal!" She insisted as if I just told her I won the lottery. "I want to meet him."
"Mom, that's totally unnecessary," I groaned.
"Fine, then you can't go to Magcon," she stated firmly. "Leah can go with someone else."
I wanted to scream but I was distracted by the doorbell ringing. "I'm not here," I declared as I dashed out of the hallway to hide in the kitchen. Leah quickly followed me, leaving my mom alone in the hallway.
I heard her open the door and greet Jack. He introduced himself politely before asking where I was.
I emerged from the kitchen and he smiled when he saw me. I quickly walked over to where he stood and took his hand. "We're leaving now," I told my mom insistently.
She called out goodbye as I pulled Jack back to the driveway.
Jack held the passenger door open for me as Leah slipped in the back. Once I was seated, Jack walked around to the driver's side and climbed in. I looked over at him and he immediately kissed me.
"Awwwwww," Leah squealed and we pulled apart.
"Hey Leah," Jack greeted her with a smile.
"Hey my bestie's boyf," she greeted him back.
"Please don't ever say that again," I pleaded and Jack laughed.
We talked and laughed the entire drive there and Leah was extremely entertaining. She always is when she gets really excited. When we pulled up at iPlay, girls were already waiting outside. "Shit, we're going to have to run," Jack muttered.
"No babe, you are going to have to run," I smirked. He glared at me and I softened his hard look with a tender kiss.
"I'll go distract them," Leah offered eagerly climbing out of the car. Jack and I watched as she walked quickly towards iPlay and then suddenly stopped.
Her outburst caused every screaming girl to turn in the opposite direction of the entrance. I laughed as Jack threw me his car keys and ran for the door. A few girls noticed him but a bodyguard blocked him from the aggressive teens and let him inside.
I got out of the car and made sure it was locked. Once it was, I walked over to meet Leah and we headed over to the entrance.
"Not so fast," the bodyguard stopped us as we attempted to enter.
"We're with Magcon," I explained to him. But of course, he wasn't buying it. Luckily, Shawn stuck his arm out the door and pulled us in. "They're with me," he informed the bodyguard before closing the door without waiting for a response.
"Jack should've called for a security guard to take all 3 of you in," Shawn said as we walked over to Encore.
"He's not that smart," I stated with a shrug and Shawn laughed.
"Hey, thanks for coming to rescue us," I teased Jack when I reached him.
"I sent Shawn to get you," he protested with a laugh. I giggled as he pulled me into his arms. "I'm really glad you're here," he murmured into my hair.
"Why wouldn't I be? I paid money for this shit," I joked. Jack laughed before tilting my head up to look in his eyes and placing his soft lips on mine.
"Guys guess what!" Matt shouted, suddenly running into the room. Jack and I pulled apart and turned to face him. Matt didn't wait for anyone to actually respond before announcing, "We're going to great adventure tomorrow!"
Great Adventure was the six flags amusement park in New Jersey and also one of the greatest amusement parks of all time. I spend endless hours there every summer riding everything with no fear.
Everyone cheered and began chatting excitedly about tomorrow's events.
"Can Sam and Leah come too?" Jack asked over the noise. Matt shrugged, "I don't see why not."
I smiled up at Jack, grateful that he wanted to spend more time with me. "We can show you guys all the best rides," I offered.
"You've been there before?" Carter asked.
I laughed. "Tons of times. It's my favorite place to go in the summer."
"Oh right, I forgot you lived here for a minute," Carter laughed. Another group laugh rang out and I realized that I loved how these guys laughed at everything. They were so easily amused.
"I think I need some air," Leah declared suddenly as she pulled me away from Jack. He laughed as he reluctantly let go of my hand.
"I'll be right back," I promised him. Hopefully.
Leah continued to pull out the door and she told the security guard we would be right back to which he nodded.
She dragged me all the way to Jack's car where she leaned on the door and proceeded to hyperventilate.
"I can't do it Sam," she whispered, her breathing heavy.
"Leah what is wrong with you?" I bit back a laugh because I had dealt with Leah like this a million times. Whatever she said next was bound to be hilarious.
"Cameron asked me to go back to his hotel room tonight," Leah started, her breathing not slowing. "I honestly don't know if I'm ready."
"For what?" I questioned even though I already knew were she was going with this. All of the girls knew I had done the do before but we never really talked about it. They've never had the need to ask.
"You know... the do," Leah said this as if it was the worst curse word ever and this time I did laugh.
"That's fine," I told her simply.
"What do you mean that's fine?" She asked incredulously. "Why else would he want me to go to his hotel room?"
"I don't know, to talk," I offered.
"Wow, Sam, that's really believable," she snapped sarcastically while rolling her eyes. Then she looked up at me, suddenly very serious.
"How do you do it?" She questioned.
I gave her a confused look. "Do what?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, I don't really think much about it. It just kind of... happens."
"What was it like with Connor? You know, your first time?"
I pursed my lips, as I searched for an answer. "Leah I really think you're just overthinking this. If he tries anything and you don't want to do it, then don't."
"How can it be that simple?"
"Because it just is."
"What if he doesn't like me anymore?" She asked fervently, clearly concerned by this idea.
"I don't think that will be the case," I assured her. "From what I can tell, Jack is a bigger asshole than Cameron and he was fine with it."
"Do you think you're going to do it eventually? You know, with Jack?" Leah asked cautiously.
"Probably," I answered, simply.
Her eyes grew wide and she stared at me incredulously. "Probably!?" She questioned, her mouth slightly agape. "How is this so casual for you?"
"Because I've done it before. Leah, your first time may seem like a huge deal, but after that, it's just sex."
I couldn't stop myself from laughing at her. "Lele, you're going to be fine," I promised her, still laughing.
"So you think I should do it?" She asked, nervously.
"No, it should be completely your decision."
She nodded, considering this. "Okay," she said finally.
"Come on, let's go back inside," I suggested.
"Why so you can make out with Jack's face?" She smirked.
"No not at all," I smirked back, sarcastically.
Leah and I began to walk back to iPlay but we only made it a few feet before we were stopped by 2 girls. They both looked about a year or so younger than us, but I didn't recognize either of them.
"Um hi," the brunette said nervously.
"Are you Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend?" The blonde girl blurted suddenly.
I looked over at Leah, and gave her a desperate look. These girls were concerning me.
"Um, I don't want to sound rude but how exactly do you know that?" I questioned.
The girls shared a similar look as the one me and Leah had just made. "Everyone knows you're his girlfriend," the brunette stated as if this was obvious. "It's all over twitter."
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and hurriedly opened up twitter. I search Jack's twitter and sure enough, the first tweet is a picture of me and Jack that one of the guys must've taken. Jack had his arms wrapped around my waist and we were both smiling at each other. He captioned it with a red heart and he had tagged my twitter. I realized that I hadn't been on twitter all day and I had gained over a hundred followers since he had posted it.
"Oh, that's why," I stated.
"Can we take a picture with you?" The brunette asked suddenly.
I shrugged and smiled at her. "Sure."
I had never imagined people coming over to me and asking to take a picture. I had asked celebrities before but I never imagined it would happen to me. Thinking back on all the times I'd gotten pictures with my idols, I couldn't imagine saying no.
I took a picture with the brunette and then the blonde and Leah and I were about to walk away when I noticed a sign the brunette was holding.
"Does that say I love you more than free wifi?" I asked her with a laugh.
She proudly nodded. "Yeah, it's for Aaron," she informed me.
I nodded and then turned to the blonde. "Who's your favorite?" I asked her sweetly.
"Carter," she told me happily.
These girls were both so happy and they were clearly very big fans. I suddenly got an amazing idea. I whispered in Leah's ear so that the girls couldn't hear my plan. She smiled and nodded in approval at my proposal.
"Do you guys want to come in with us and meet the boys?" I asked them with a smile.
The two girls looked at each other and I had never seen anyone smile bigger in my life. They began jumping up and down excitedly before they both threw their arms around me and thanked me a thousand times.
As we walked back to iPlay, I learned that the brunette was Nicole and the blonde was Morgan. They were both juniors, as I had suspected, and they attended the high school in the next town over from us. I casually told the security guard that they were with us as we lead them into the building and over to Encore.
"We're back!" I called out as we entered the room.
Nicole began slapping my arm excitedly. "Oh my god, it's really them. Oh my god they're real." I thought she was going to start hyperventilating.
"There's 2 girls I want you guys to meet," I told them as we reached the area where they were all gathered.
"I'm Nicole!" She shouted fervently, her attention immediately directing to Aaron. "I made you a sign," she said as she handed it to him.
He smiled gratefully at her as he took the sign from her. He began to laugh at the message written on it. "This is great," he told her, still laughing. "Thank you!"
Nicole began to blush and I smiled genuinely for her. It was just Friday that I felt the exact same way as her.
"I'm Morgan!" She announced suddenly.
The group chorused "hi Morgan" and she too began to blush with all the attention.
"So, Jack you're girlfriend is like perfect. She's my role model. You guys should get married," Nicole gushed.
I couldn't help myself from laughing and Jack gave me a weird look. But I could tell he was holding back a laugh too.
"That's really sweet of you but, um, we just started dating yesterday," Jack informed her.
Nicole was completely unfazed. "Will you guys name your kids after us?" She asked nodding to Morgan.
This time Jack did laugh. "Sure," he agreed jokingly.
"Wow, Jack," Taylor smirked. "It's been less than 24 hours and you're already planning on getting her pregnant."
Jack flashed Taylor a death glare and I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my laugh.
"One of you can get me pregnant!" Morgan announced.
"I will," Carter offered jokingly.
"Oh my god, no way! I always dreamed this day would come," she exclaimed happily.
Carter leaned down and kissed her cheek and I thought she was going to faint.
"You guys wanna take pictures?" Aaron offered.
Nicole and Morgan nodded eagerly as they pulled out their phones. After they got a picture with each Magcon boy, Bart came over and told the boys they needed to start rehearsing.
During rehearsal, Leah, Nicole, Morgan and I really got the chance to bond. It was crazy the amount of stuff we had in common and I was so glad that I had met them both. Just like Leah and I had been yesterday, Nicole and Morgan were fascinated with the boys' rehearsal.
The second day of Magcon was not as grand as the first. It may be that I'm biased and I just loved it yesterday because *cough* Jack Gilinsky *cough* but whatever.
Halfway through, Leah and I were sitting on the ground in the back, watching Nicole and Morgan flip out. We laughed and thought it was utterly adorable, but we both knew that if last night did not happen, we would be doing the same exact thing as them. It was actually quite a scary thought.
"I would like to ask a very beautiful girl to join my up on stage right now," Cameron said suddenly. I could see Leah's face drain of color. There were two situations that could possibly go down: Cameron brings up another girl, or Leah has to go up there in front of all these girls. Both were equally as terrifying for her.
"Leah?" Cameron asked, scanning the crowd for her. I honestly thought Leah was going to faint. She didn't move for a moment because her natural reaction to these kinds of situations is to do nothing. I urged her forward and she shook out of her trance and walked nervously through the crowds of screaming girls.
When she reached the stage, Cameron took her hand and led her to a chair, center stage. She looked like she was having the best and worst time of her life.
Cameron turned to the audience and began to speak to them. "I've only known this beautiful girl for a few days, but I guess that's all it takes. I already know that she's an amazing girl and I like her, a lot. And I really hope she feels the same way."
Leah's eyes grew wide as she realized what was happening. Cameron turned back around to face her and took her hand once again.
"Leah," Cameron began, his smile widening to match hers. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
A chorus of awws followed, as expected and Leah joyously agreed. She jumped up from the chair and threw her arms around him.
I was so happy for her.
It honestly amazed me how fast the rest of Magcon flew by. I had been waiting so long for this weekend and the event and it was already over. Except, it really wasn't.
The boys didn't finish with the meet greets until about 11 o'clock. The less people in iPlay, the more anxious Leah seemed to get. I didn't blame her. I felt the same way yesterday.
"Nicole, my mom is here," Morgan said suddenly. They both looked really sad to be leaving.
"So is this it?" Nicole asked dramatically, turning to me and Leah. "Are we ever going to see each other again?"
I started cracking up as I pulled her in for a hug. "How would you guys like to join us at Great Adventure tomorrow?" I offered.
Nicole's eyes lit up and Morgan began jumping up and down excitedly.
"Yes we want to join you!" Morgan exclaimed.
The four of us exchanged numbers and I promised to text them as soon as I knew all of the details. We hugged goodbye before Nicole and Morgan headed out of iPlay.
I would miss those girls. It was a good thing I already couldn't wait to see them both again tomorrow.

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