Ending [ Option a - Starclan ]

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Scourge paused, for a moment a hesitated, was this really where he wanted to be?.

He pondered around the thought for a few more seconds, deciding that this was what he wanted, and ran to catch up with his mother.

"I'm glad you decided to stay, Tiny" Quince smiled greatfully and led Scourge to a tree near the pond he stared into for the first time.

On the tree were names, expertly carved out by someone. Scourge looked closer and saw Quince's name, and right next to hers, his own was being scraped across the wood by some force.

He reached out with one paw and brushed his name with his pads, feeling a rough sensation as the bark hit his paw.

Scourge quickly brought his arm back when the name started glowing, a bright ice blue, like his eyes.

A shadow split from it and twirled around his head, circling one of his ears and coming into view again.

It bobbed up and down, floating there for a moment before making its way to Scourge's collar.

There was a tearing sound, then the male felt air brush against the fur on his neck. He felt for the purple collar and realised it was cut of.

"Woah..." Scourge smiled happily and the blue shadow chirped along.

"I've been here for more than nine moons and I've never seen anything like that" Quince laughed, licking Scourge on the forehead.

"Welcome home"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

How was that? I hope it was ok but meh. Thank you for reading this book, and all of your support throughout the making of this, thank you so much!

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