Chapter one

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I roll over and hit the snooze button on my alarm. Just five more minutes of peace I think to myself and so I roll back over and burry my head in the soft dreamland known as my pillows and began to drift off.

Well that was until I was awoken again by the piercing sound of my not alarm clock but my phone. Sleepily I grab it off my wooden bedside table and mumble into the phone. What? You can't blame me it was 7:30am. Way too early to be awake. "Hello" I ask confused. I didn't actually check the caller ID as I was still half asleep.

"Hello is this Lilly White?" a polite voice says on the other end of the line.

"Urm yes it is" I reply still very confused at a stranger ringing me a half past seven in the morning. "Who is asking?"

"Ah hello, this is Maggie calling from snapshot photography". Ok it was beginning to make more sense now. "We would like to invite you along to the second stage of the interview process for a practical assessment to look at your skill level".

"Oh wow ok, I wasn't expecting this. Of course I would love to attend" I respond in a daze.

"Great, we were hoping you would say that, you seem like a very strong candidate and it will be good to assess you on some practical work too". The butterflies in my stomach were so strong. I didn't know whether to feel excited, nervous or scared so I decide to go for all three. "So for the practical assessment we will need to book in a time slot where you will be available and these are normally a whole day occasion. How does that sound?"

"Yeh that would be fine. I am available most of the time during the day however, I am unavailable most evenings due to part time work commitments" I reply.

"That's no trouble at all, the assessment normally finishes at around 4-4:30 pm but I am sure we will be able to work around this if it causes any issues. Do you have any specific days next week which would work best for you Lilly?" She questions.

"No I believe I am free all week but, I don't have work on the Wednesday at all".

"Great so if I book you in for Wednesday and if there are any problems with this then you can give us a call to rearrange does that sound ok?"

"Yes Wednesday sounds good to me. Are there any requirements for me such as anything specific to wear? And what time do I have to arrive?". I am a bit of a worrier and I like to be organised, big events like this tend to send me into a panic so I have to find out all of the details in advanced.

"The assessment will begin at 9:00 am so we normally recommend for you to arrive a few minutes before to get signed in and collect your visitors badge. With regards to clothing I would say come in something smart but casual as you will be photographing so you will need to be comfortable. How does that sound?"

"Yes that's great thank you so I will look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Thanks once again for your help Maggie" I respond with.

"No trouble at all, brilliant I will look forward to meeting with you again on Wednesday, bye".

"See you then, bye".

With that I hear the click of the phone and lay back down in my double bed and stare at the white ceiling smiling to myself like an idiot. Shit I think to myself. The reason I had set my alarm this early was because I promised that I would do something for the day with one of my flat mates. So, I drag my body lifelessly out of bed and over to the long mirror on the wall. It's not a pretty sight, my long brunette hair looks like a birds nest combined with no make-up, dark under eye circles and my oversized pyjama top I sure as hell look a complete mess. Prompted by the terrifying image of my 'morning look' I decide that a shower to freshen up would be the best option. Whilst still trying to comprehend my recent phone call, I lazily flick on the shower and put on my favourite album - example playing in the shadows. I was hoping that the high energy, upbeat dance tracks would wake me up a bit. With that, I hop in the shower.

When I get out I stroll back through into my bedroom and over to my wardrobe. What was the weather doing today? Overcast. No surprise there then, I do live in London it would be stupid to assume any different. I decide the best option due to the shitty weather would be my blue skinny jeans, slightly oversized checked flannel shirt and black leather jacket. It's my go to jacket. I love it. I grab it all out of my wardrobe and throw on the jeans and shirt then move onto tackling the mess on top of my head known as my hair.

I apply product throughout and set the hair dryer on it. I must admit that the warm air feels really good circling around me. I am pretty lucky as my natural hair state after drying is beachy boho waves so I decide to leave it as it was after I run my hairbrush through it to tidy it up a bit. Lastly I do the tedious job of my make-up. Seeing as I couldn't really be bothered today I just apply some lightweight foundation as I am not confident with my skin, mascara and liquid eyeliner in an attempt to make me look a little less dead. It's not really the greatest look in the world. Finally I put some concealer on to try and hide my horrendous under eye circles, grab my jacket and vans and head through to the living room of our apartment.

After placing my shoes and jacket down by the front door I stroll through to the kitchen. I am greeted by a fairly rough looking George slumped over the breakfast bar sipping coffee.

George and I have been best friends for years now and we share a flat together. It's not just us we also share with Josh, Katie and Ella. George and Josh are in a band together so we often have their band mates JJ and Jaymi over too. You could say it's a bit of a mad house I guess. George and Katie are a couple as are Ella and Josh. Then there is me. It doesn't really bother me too much. I suffered a pretty bad breakup a couple of years ago and since then the dating scene has never really been my top priority. Having said this, Katie and Ella are constantly on to me to find someone. I guess if the right guy came along then maybe, but for now it just me myself and I and I like it.

"Late night Shelley?" I joke.

"Hmm what oh urm Jaymi wanted us to stay and rehearse for the open mic night on Friday so I didn't get to bed till like 3am".

"Jesus mate. You really should take it easy you had work yesterday too. Why don't you go back to bed? We can rearrange today it isn't a problem" I say whilst pouring myself and George some fresh coffee.

"Nahh I'll be fine. I'm pretty used to it because of rehearsals anyway so. It will be nice to spend the day with you feels like ages since we have had a proper catch up".

I place the mug of steaming coffee down in front of him and agree that it had been a while since we had talked properly. We used to sit and chat for hours but since he has been in the band he is always tied up with rehearsals or doing things with Katie. I get invited don't get me wrong but I don't want to feel like a third wheel. Plus I have been focusing on trying to get a job in the photography world. That's not proving easy.

I glance up at the clock and notice the time. 9:20 am.

Slapping George's arm I say "c'mon then if you're sure about going then we had better get a move on if we want to catch the 9:45 am train". We are planning on going into the city and grabbing a bite to eat. I might even be able to persuade him to do a bit of shopping.

"Crap yeah let me grab my keys and phone and then...".

Before he could finish I cut him off. "I don't really think you're in a fit state to be driving I think the only thing you should be doing is going back to bed but as you're insisting on coming then I am driving".

"Yeh alright good point I guess".

With that we head out of the kitchen and I grab my jacket and bag and slip on my navy blue vans and walk out to my little white Corsa vxr. It was pretty cold to be honest so as soon as we were in the car I start the engine and it roars to life. I flick on the heating and radio and start on the journey to the train station. Today was going to be a good day.


Lots of love x

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