Chapter four

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I wake up and lazily rub my eyes whilst hitting the off button on my alarm. It is a sunday and I hate Sundays, for normal people this would be because Monday was the next day which meant back to school or work. For me it is because whilst everyone around me seems to have a day off relaxing I have to get up and go to a job that I hate. It is the same old same old, I have a good week and the next to follow will be horrible. I work as a waitress in my local pub/restaurant, it's a fairly small establishment so it shouldn't be too bad for work, but it generally is. It may be small but it has a good reputation which can only mean one thing, a booming business making my life 10 times harder. I work mid-week too but only in the evenings which tend to be quite paced shifts... busy but not packed, enough customers to manage. Sundays are a whole different story, they range from standing around doing nothing with the odd few customers to literally being rushed off of your feet. This is also made harder by the fact that whilst I am serving customers who don't even give you the time of day half the time, Katie, Ella, George and Josh just have chilled movie days. Great. Trust me if I could afford to quit, I would with no hesitation. Problem is that the small social life I lead means that I have to do shifts that I dont want to so that I can pay for it.

I groggily drag my body out of bed and into the bathroom. I am nervous for work this week, things havent been going great at the moment, I felt as though I was constantly screwing every task up and my boss isn't happy with me. They have never spoken to me about it but, it was the way that I am feeling. However, I had the last couple of weeks off which has been great... I had a good friend of mines wedding one week and a family meal the other. I love having time to do things with my friends and family and the time off really did me good. Only problem with it is that now I am dreading going back. I dont really have the most confidence in the world. I am so nervous for my first shift back today. Nevertheless I know I have to go no matter what so I flick on the tap on the shower so that I can have a freshen up.

After I get out I put on my comfy lounge pants and baggy tee followed by lazily drying my hair and sticking it up in a top knot. I'm not in the mood today so I just apply light make-up; tinted moisturiser, mascara and a little liquid eyeliner. Once I have finished I wander through to the kitchen to make myself some food. Well I would have if upon opening the cupboards there was actually something edible in there. In the end I settle on toast so, I slide the bread into the toaster and perch myself onto one of the stools before sliding out my phone and opening up the twitter app. Shocker, there is nothing exciting on there. I lock it and leave it sat on the breakfast bar whilst I go to finish my toast. I would say I have to decide on the topping but there isn't much choice so I go for plain butter, exciting. Somebody really needs to go shopping soon. I have to force the toast down; why am I so nervous about today? Sometimes I really wish I was one of those people that life doesn't bother them and they can get on with anything but, I guess I will never be one of those people so I'll have to stick with worrying about everything. Once I have finished my food I place my plate in the sink and go back to my room to get dressed. So, I grab my black skinny jeans and black polo shirt from my wadrobe and throw them on. Finally I pick up my phone, keys and black pumps and head out of the door to begin the short walk to work.

The first sitting is moderate we have a fair few customers but we aren't rushed off of our feet, it was manageable. I decide that due to not having very much money at the moment that I will stay and cover the second sitting too. Half way through the sitting we are all just stood around due to the fact we only had 3 tables in so I get told that I could finish early. There wasnt really any point in me just being stood there so I agree and pick up my phone and keys from the side and wander through to the bar area to fill in my time sheet. As I get through the door I feel my heart start racing. Surley not? I must be seeing things, warliy I continue through to behind the bar where I pull out the time sheet folder and write down my hours in the designated area. I don't know how to feel so I say bye to Jake who was doing the bar shift and rush out of the door to go home.

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