Chapter six

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I pull up outside the main block of the company. I am so nervous, not just at the fact of the concept of the day but there also seems to be lots of people around. I guess that some of the people are people who already work here due to the fact that they are carrying around state of the art cameras and equipment however, lots of the crowd seem to be stood around anxiously. It then dawns on me just how many people applied for these three places and how hard I am going to have to work to prove myself to them. Pulling my key out of the ignition I take hold of my bag from the passengers seat and step out of the car with my heart racing at the prospects of what faces me today; it is going to be a challenge.

Just as I make my way to the back of the gathering of people we get ushered into the main reception to sign in and collect our visitors badges etc. I am expecting this to be a fairly hectic procedure as a result of the sheer number of people here but it turns out to be quite organised. Once they have checked to make sure that everyone is signed in for todays assessment we are directed through into a large conference room whilst the course leader sorts out a few things to do with the paperwork side of things. Once she is ready we each get split into groups with an assigned leader for the day so that they will be able to get through everybody. My leader is a woman in her late twenties I would say, with medium length brunette hair dressed fairly formally.

"Hello everybody" I recognise her voice instantly. "I'm Maggie so I will be assessing you today, some of you may know me already as you may have spoken to me to arrange the date for your assessment". Ahh this was Maggie I think to myself and an instant sense of relief washes over me. She seemed very welcoming and friendly on the phone. At least there is something to put my mind at rest slightly. "Because of the amount of people I will be assessing today, I am going to need everybody to chip in with helping to set up equipment". Maggie then gives us a demonstration on how to set up our tripod and camera. After we are shown how we each have to go and collect a box with all of our equiment in. I wander over to where the apparatus is and pick up a box. As I turn on my heal and begin walking back over to Maggie a guy walks into me almost knocking the box out of my hands.

"Shit, sorry" he curses under his breath.

"Ahh don't worry it's not your fault I should have been looking where I was going" I say looking up. The first thing that catches my attention are his luxurious chocolate brown eyes looking down at me from under a mass of curly brown hair.

"Well, I'm really sorry again. I guess I should have too" he smiles nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Nothing got broken did it".

"No no, I don't seem to have any broken bones or any other outstanding injuries" I chuckle earning a small laugh to escape from his lips. "But in all seriousness I don't think that any of the equipment is broken either" I say whilst rummaging through the box.

"Good" he smiles. "On both things" his brown eyes catch contact with mine for a few brief seconds before we both avert them away. "I think that shit would have hit the fan if we had broken something already".

I giggle. He seems nice, maybe today won't be so bad after all. I couldn't help but notice how attractive this boy is.

"I'm Brad by the way" he says whilst standing awkwardly with one hand in the pocket of his black skinny jeans and the other rubing the back of his neck.

"Hey I'm Lilly, or Lil. I get called all sorts" I stutter.

"Tell you what let me just go and grab my box then we can head over together yeah?"

"Sure" I smile back. As he begins to walk away I call after him "Try not to walk into anyone else or break anything".

"I'll try" he responds whilst flashing me a huge grin.

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