Mage of Breath

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Mage of Breath: Mages understands their aspect. They may understand it but a Mage's aspect always comes back to bite them later. Sort of how Sollux (Mage of Doom) could hear the voices of the doom that would drive anyone normal person crazy and Mewlin (Mage of Heart) was an expert match maker to only have her hearing destroyed by the one she loved.

A breath player is the wind. Wind can perhaps be took as free will and going with the flow. Breath players have the usual windy powers.

Now the Mage of Breath's aspect would have to come back and bite them some how. The way I see this happening is perhaps they go with the flow to much and don't do their job right, possibly causing a doomed session or making it harder to be won. Since a breath player can be took as "Free will" this could bite them in many ways also. Like they would not take orders very well because they might feel that their choice would be better. This would cause a lot of arguing and resisting the leader.

I feel that I didn't do to well on this but I hope it helped in some way or another.

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