Witch of Heart and Rouge of Heart

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A rouge steals to benefit others. And like mentioned previously a heart player is the essence of emotion and intuition.

I can see a Rouge of heart being an excellent match maker. She would gather information and all and all help with the repopulation of the race. Just by doing what she does best. Now how the stealing comes in to play is simple. People are very private in these types of things and won't tell easily. At last resort she would have to steal the information she needs. She would take care of her friends love life before or hardly considering her own.

This one was a little hard and I feel like I only scraped the surface of it.

As for the Witch Of Heart she's alot simpler. A Witch is a manipulator. She can manipulate her attribute. Like Jade the witch of space she manipulated space and shrunk her and her friends planets down a size to keep her promise she made.

Now a Witch of Heart would be able to manipulate emotions of her enemies and someone she didn't like.

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