Secession of a session #2

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Lord of rage
Seer of time
Rouge of space
Witch of doom
Sylph of life
Bard of light

You have pretty much all the players nessasary to win but some really deadly players. I'd give this about a 75% chance of wining.

You have a seer of time who knows the path of time and knows the best way to go about it. This will help them prepare the scratch and prepare the timelines. They know the ins and out of time.

You have a a rouge of space who can steal quiet literally space. Think of the possibilities! If you steal space it becomes yours therefore you could quite possibly steal planets stars and whole solar systems! How this helps their friends could vary. My best guess that by stealing and shrinking your teams planets he/she could put the planets a more responsible distance closer making for movement between worlds less time consuming.

The witch of doom could manipulate the out come of doom in your session. If your not on the wrong side of her she could quite possibly manipulate it in the most favorable out come.

Sylphs heals with or heals their aspect. You have a sylph of freaking life! If their power is harnessed and used correctly she could heal the wounded and possibly bring back the dead.
Now let's move to the wild cards of this group.

You have a lord of rage who quite literally commands and controls rage. If not provoked he can be a useful player for fighting. But could also cause some trust issues if he uses his powers on his team so watch him.

Now this is the player who can possibly kill your session. The bard of light will invite the destruction threw or the destruction of light. Light being luck and all knowledge. So if he destroys your luck your out of it simple as that. If he destroys knowledge then you all will possibly be all confused and have no idea what to do next. He is the one you need to pay attention to the most.

If all your wild cards stay in check your looking at a pretty successful session in my book.

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