Knight of Heart

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Knights are protectors. they protect or protect with their aspect. A heart player is the essence of being emotions and intuitions.

so what I can gather is that the knight of heart would be guided by his/her gut. What ever his/her instinct said would be what he/she followed. Even if it was not part of the plan. He/she would be very good with fighting , because if that instinct know how. The knight could also be very emotional. The emotion could be romantic or just friendly love over a friend or friends. So those emotions would lead him/her to be very over protective. But it should be always known that a heart player's heart will be shattered. examples Dirk (Prince of heart) had a rather messy break up with Jake, Nepeta (Rogue of Heart) Gave her heart to karkat only to have it rejected, and Mewlin (Mage of heart?) Her hearing was damaged by the one she loved the most. So be warned Knight of Heart your significant other will hurt you in some way.

hope this helped some what. =^-^=

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