Chapter Twelve

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The Midnight pack is one of the last packs I wanted to visit, I had done as Cade had ordered, I packed up the car, then Electra and I spent a long three hour drive in silence.

As soon as the car stopped on the Midnight packs territory Electra was out of the car and walking up to the house. We knew a few people from this pack and she was most likely going to see them

I grabbed our bags from the car and went to the open fields where all the other packs were setting up their tents. Visiting packs had to stay outside, the pack house was for pack residents only

"Hey, Kyan" I heard someone say to my left, I looked over and saw a familiar face

I smiled at her and winked "Hey Amelia"

She bit her lip and twirled her hair with her finger "maybe I'll see you again later?" she said as her eyes looked me over

I smirked at her "sure thing" I winked again

She turned to her friends and started giggling. At least there was one thing about going to these parties, the women

I walked to an area that had a clear space for the tent and placed it down. I set it up in thirty minutes and blew up the two blow up beds

When all was done I knew I had to go find the Alpha and Luna. Cade would kill me if I didn't go and say hi. I found them shortly after I entered the pack house "hello Alpha, Luna" I said as I nodded at both of them

"Hello, Kyan" the Alpha came over to me and shook my hand "glad to see you're here, I hear Cade is busy with his very pregnant mate?" He says as more of a question

I nod "you heard right, she's due any day now and he didn't want to leave her side" I smile

"Well Kyan, it's good to see you again, enjoy the party and don't get in too much trouble" he laughs

"I'll try not too" I grin, they both nod and walk away. I had been to this pack a few times. It had mostly been for pack relations or mate parties when I was younger

I had nothing to do for the last few hours of daylight so I decided to go for a run, I had run in these forests before and it brought back a lot of memories of when I was younger. When I would come along with Cade, Electra and their parents. They treated me like their own son and brought me along with them and we used to spend hours just running around the forest

My mind snapped out of the past when I smelt a familiar scent, one I hadn't smelt for over two years and it was a scent I never wanted to smell again. I stopped running "Natalie" I said more as a statement then actually questioning it

She appeared from behind one of the trees, a smirk on her face and her hips swaying as she walked toward me "Kyan?" Her smirk grew bigger "fancy seeing you here" she stopped in front of me and looked me in the eyes

"What do you want?" I almost growled at her

She reached a finger up toward my chest and ran it down "Kyan... baby..." she bit her lip and looked me in the eyes. Her hands travelled down my abdomen and landed on the waist of my tracksuit pants "long time no see, we should go have some fun?"

I grabbed her hands from my waist and pushed her back until she was up against a tree "don't touch me" I growled out

Her smile only grew "you know I like it rough baby" she tried to remove her hands from my grasp

I moved so my lips were near her ear "I know, it looked like it when I found you with that other guy" I let her go and began to walk away

"Geez, you're still hung up on that?" She questioned me. I stopped in my tracks "get over it Kyan, it's not like we were actually mates, we were just having some fun"

My anger began to boil, I turned to her and growled "fun? Is that all you thought when I told you I loved you?" I yelled. Her smirk changed and her expression turned sad "stay away from me!" I growled and stormed back toward the tent

I laid down in bed, just hoping this day would go faster and be over quickly. "Kyan?" I heard someone call out

"Yeah?" I ask, not wanting to move from my spot

"It's Amelia, can I come in?" She asks, I smile, I needed a distraction

I get up and unzip the tent, Amelia smiles up at me "come in" I motion toward the two room tent

"Wow, there's a lot of room in this tent" she looks around and then her eyes land on me "it's good to see you again, Kyan" she blushes. The last time we saw each other was a few months earlier when she was at my pack for a mate party

I smile at her "it's good to see you too" I smirk as I reach over and move a piece of hair behind her ear

"I've been thinking about you a lot, I kind of want to continue where we left off last time" she bites her lip as she looks at me

Without even thinking our lips lock, we kiss each other hungrily, most of our clothes coming off quickly and we fall onto my blow up bed. We kiss only in our underwear, the all too familiar feeling of doing this with her a year ago comes back to me and I moan remembering the feeling.

Her hands travel my body, her fingers latching onto my underwear and tugging

"Kyan?" I freeze as I hear Electra's voice "oh, I'm sorry... I ah..." she stumbles on her words, I get a quick look at her shocked face before she turns and runs away

"Shit" I mutter to myself, I hadn't even heard her come in the tent

Amelia pushes me away from her "you could have told me you had a girlfriend, Kyan!" She huffs as she starts grabbing her clothes

"But.. I don...." I was cut off before I could get a word in

"It's true what they say about you, isn't it?" She hastily puts her clothes on, the angry look never leaving her face

"What do you mean?" I ask curious

She crosses her arms "once a cheater, always a cheater" she walks out of the tent

"But I'm not..." I shout after her, but she was gone. I sit on the bed for the next ten minutes, this past year I had thought people had forgotten about what had happened and here it has come back to bite me again

Who knew that one lie would follow me around for so long


Hello all my lovely readers! I am so glad you have gotten to this part and I hope you have enjoyed this story so far :)

Would just like to thank you all for your reads and votes. I appreciate every one of them!

Also, sorry this update has taken so long, I have been going through some health issues and haven't been in the mood to write, but hopefully I can get back into it

Please let me know what you think of the story so far and don't be afraid to say hi :)

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