Chapter Fourteen

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As Electra got out of the car I noticed Cade running over to her in a rush, I got out of the car thinking something was wrong but a smile appeared on his face "Emily just went into labor!" he shouts with a big grin on his face

"oh my god!" Electra all but screams "we got back just in time!" She smiles happily

Cade looks at me as I approach "congrats man" I say as I shake his hand

He nods his appreciation "We'll have to talk about how you guys went at the Midnight pack later, I better get back to Emily" He smiles as he jogs back toward the house

I decided to take the time and go for a run. I shifted into my wolf, started running and just let the breeze flow through my fur

It was technically my day for patrol so I slowed toward the end of our pack lands, sniffing and just listening

I couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary, so I continued to follow our pack lands for a couple of hours, it was nice to be out here and even though I was technically not on duty I felt like I was doing something to help

I knew I had to head back to the pack house eventually but something in front of me caught my eye. I crept closer slowly and noticed Diana heading out of the pack lands. I was going to bark at her until I saw her walk toward someone and wrap her arms around them.

Shane... I felt my anger rise. What the hell is she doing here with him?

"Shane, how are you doing out here?" Diana asks submissively

He has a small smile on his face "I found a small pack a couple of hours away that took me in, it isn't much but I want you to come there with me" he says as he runs a hand along her cheek

"I don't know if I can, the baby..." Diana is interrupted, she's pregnant?

"The baby is mine and we should be together as a family" Shane looks at her angrily

Diana shifts on her feet uncomfortably "I want to, but we need to think of the baby" Diana hangs her head. Shane pulls her into a hug

"I know" he pauses "I'll be back next week at the same time, I'll see you then" he kisses her on the forehead "goodbye"

"Goodbye" Diana says sadly, she watches him leave then starts heading back toward the pack house. I sat still for a few moments thinking how everything I had been through for her was basically a waste of time

It angered me a little but I knew I shouldn't bring it up, it's her life and if she plans on leaving the pack for that jerk then it's her choice. I decide I should head back to the pack house, maybe the baby had been born already

When I arrived back at the pack house i changed back into human form, grabbed my clothes from the pile I had left them in and head into the house. I went straight for the dining room, it wasn't quite dinner time but I was starving and as I walked in I noticed Electra sitting by herself

I grabbed a plate of food, noticing Electra still sitting in the same place I go and sit with her "Hey" I say casually as I sit down

She looks up at me a smiles "hey" she says grinning "I don't think the baby will be far off now, Cade hasn't left her side in an hour" she smiles happily

I nod, I'm happy for my alpha and Luna "do you think they will have a boy or a girl?" I ask after a few moments

She sits there thinking for a minute with her finger under her chin before coming out with her answer "I think they will have a boy, I know they both don't care what they have but I'm pretty sure Cade hopes it's a boy"

I sit back on my chair "our future alpha" I cross my arms. Not saying anything else for a few minutes

Electra's eyes suddenly land on me "listen about last night" she starts off but I interrupt her

"Don't worry, I won't tell Cade" I say, remembering my promise

She shakes her head "no it's not that, I just want to say thank you, I knew he had been drinking but I went along anyway"

I nod my head "you're welcome" I pause "how do you two know each other?" I blurted out before I could stop myself

She didn't seem to mind though "We went to the training school, he was only there for a year but we became close and made out a few times" she says blushing "there was nothing serious between us"

As soon as she finished speaking Cade came barging into the room "it's a boy!" He yelled loudly, the smile never leaving his face "come up and meet Blake you two" he grins, motioning for us to follow

Electra runs ahead of me and I follow along closely. We make it to the medical wing of the pack house and Cade leads us through some doors

There sat on the bed is Emily, holding little Blake in her arms, she greets both Electra and I. We both mutter our congratulations before Electra asks to hold him

As she picks our future alpha up in her arms, she smiles down at him, I can see the love in her eyes and it only made think of how I'd want my mate to look down at our child one day. If I ever found one


Okay so I wrote this out pretty quick, will most likely have some mistakes. Thank you all for the reads and votes. I hope to get another chapter out soon

Please let me know what you think!

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