|Shot 76| • Studying II • |Jyatt|

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castlebowers is my queen. Thank you for inspiring this chapter ♥ ~Jae👑

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After the kiss, Jaeden and I returned to our work almost like nothing happened. I was actually working, but I could feel the tension grow between us.

I quickly finished the last problem and turned to Jaeden.

"Jaeden?" I said quietly.

He turned to me and I bit my lip.

"What is it?" he questioned gently and moved closer to me.

"The kiss..." I trailed off, and his eyes softened as he raised his eyebrows quizzically. "Did you...I mean...did you mean it? Or was it just to get my attention?"

I tauted my jaw as his cheeks flushed crimson red. I could feel my own cheeks heat up as he grabbed my hand.

"I guess it's no use hiding it" he whispered, and I could feel my heart beat faster.

He lifted his gorgeous emerald eyes to meet mine, and as I looked closer, I noticed how dilated they were. He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his chest. He laid my palm against his chest, and I could feel the steady thumping in his chest.

"Whoa" I whispered, indubitably mesmerized by his beautiful heartbeat.

"This is how I am around you. Always this" he explained. "It's you, Wyatt. You make me feel this way"

I kept my hand on his heart, but I lifted my head to meet his awe-filled eyes as he gazed at me.

"What about you?" he asked hesitantly. "How do you feel about me?"

I simply smiled and grabbed his hand, mirroring his previous actions. He rested his tender hand on my chest the way I did to him. His lips quickly curled into a bright grin as he felt the steady beat of my own heart.

"That's how I feel around you too, Jaeden" I explained. "Every second I'm around you my heart beats wildly. You make my heart feel so happy and good"

There were tears in his eyes as he kept his hand on my chest. I reached and cupped his warm cheeks in my hands. I ran my thumb across his cheeks as I smiled and he searched my eyes.

"I'm in love with you, Jaeden" I confessed. "I am. You're all I want. I love how you make me feel. I love how you help me when homework makes me want to jump out a window"

He chuckled and wiped his eyes.

"I love how you make my heart beat faster whenever I'm with you. I love how you make me laugh and smile always. I love your heart. I love you" I continued.

"I love you too, Wyatt" he grinned jovially. "I love how you always make me feel better. I love your smile and your laugh, how they always manage to make me smile with you. I love your heart and your curls and your voice and your eyes and everything. I love you too"

I pulled him into my arms and kissed his soft lips. But this kiss wasn't slow like the last one. It was like...

When you've waited so long for something. And you can't wait anymore and you're so excited and happy to have it. You don't walk towards it, you run to it. You engulf yourself in it.

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