7. Spring Green & Granny Smith Apples

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That was a while ago -
When we'd eat
Shiny green apples
In damp, neon, grass
Under the willow tree.

And Grammy's 
Pecan pie still balances
On our tongues,
Through years of hard strife.

Last time we saw our cousins,
When winter was finally leaving
And the school was near done
With its continuous string 
Of days lined with mental abuse.

And I'm sure
That if we really tried
we could re-feel 
The water that splashed on us
With the early morning
Water war
That broke out
In that perfectly trimmed backyard.

We still remember
The way the grass
Pricked into our arms, and thighs
As we fell back,
Laughing, though years ago it shouldn't have been funny.

I should never forget,
That pinkish coloured room, 
Where I always stayed
Because it was pink
(and brown and purple.)

Never did anyone forget, 
The memories from those rooms
Of the Florida house we usually never saw.

Shouldn't the memories go as the years go by?

never-they would never...

never-they would never... 

 never-they would never... 


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