Introduction/Day 1: Today, My Ex-Girlfriend Called an Airstrike on My House

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"All my possessions for a moment of time..."

The rumored, final words of Queen Elizabeth I


To whom it may concern—

My name is Osamu Ashikaga. I don't know what time it is, and I don't know where I am. When I last opened my eyes, I was tied to a chair in some abandoned bowling alley, and the only person here with my ex girlfriend. She's honestly beautiful. She had me falling in love with her blue eyes and scarlet hair so many years ago. On the outside, she's a complete angel. She always has been. However...these days...she's nothing but a rotten, violent, psychopath!

Day 1

My Ex-Girlfriend Called An Airstrike On My House

Osamu's eyes shot open, bringing him back from his bout of unconsciousness and delivering him to the world of the living. The pale blue light of the electric lantern sitting on the rotten, wooden floor of the bowling alley pierced his hazel eyes like photon daggers stabbing through his retinas. A glossy sheen of cold sweat dampened his peachy skin and head of shoulder-length, raven hair. His dirty, black thermal was messily unbuttoned, exposing the golden peace sign necklace dangling against his chest as he tried to free his rope-bound wrists. His squirming and struggling made the wooden chair he was bound to creak and shudder, alerting his captor to his awakening.

The echo of high-heel shoes thumping against the ground reverberated through the abandoned bowling alley, serving as a heart-stopping reminder to Osamu that he wasn't alone.

"I was beginning to worry you had died, Osa."

His wicked, devilish ex-girlfriend, Yoko Akiyama, emerged from the darkness with the scent of strawberry perfume, vexation, and vengeance around her. Her elongated shadow grew smaller as she passed by the electric lantern, then stretched back out as she stepped towards Osamu. She pressed the heel of her stiletto against Osamu's chest and pointed her glimmering katana at his frightened face. 

Yoko had a demonic fire in her sapphire eyes, which clashed with her firebrick-colored hair. The lantern's light illuminated the outer strands of her hair, enwreathing them in a cyan veil. Her raised leg meant that Osamu caught a glimpse of her strawberry-pattern panties beneath her flowing, pink skirt. She wore a denim vest and a white shirt with the kanji for 'Love' printed on it, because certainly, someone who would kidnap another person knew what love was.

"Now then, are you ready to talk?" Yoko inquired, her smile thinly veiling her murderous intent.
"T-talk? Talk about what?!" Osamu asked, his teeth clattering.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe why the hell you decided to come back to town after what you did!" Yoko lashed out. "Do you have a death wish?! You do, don't you?!"
"Yoko, darling, please listen to me!"
"Shut up." Yoko interjected, slowly gliding her sword down from Osamu's lips and to his chest and stopping at his groin.
"You're still as handsome as ever. It's too bad you're nothing but a filthy insect. Where would you like me to cut first? Your face? Your biceps? How about your—"
"Don't cut me anywhere! This is far too aggressive of a homecoming bash, Yoko! Even for you!" Osamu cried, trying to free his bonded hands.

Yoko sauntered over to the bleachers and plopped down in her seat with her arms crossed. "My my, and here I thought you loved me for who I was on the inside. Well, since I know the truth, I suppose I won't be giving you the antidote anytime soon."

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