Day 3: Today, I Visited My Ex-Girlfriend's Mother

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  Yoko arrived at the bridge with fury in her heart and a katana in her hands. She was still dressed in her nightgown and didn't even bother wasting time to look decent enough to go out. Truly, she was raw hatred personified. With vengeance in her eyes and cold, hardened nipples beneath her gown, Yoko pointed her blade at the two.

(Oh no, it's Yoko! She's going to have the wrong idea! I can't believe I'm even talking as if we're dating again!)

Aika and Osamu jumped up, with Aika remaining behind him.

"Explain yourself! Maybe you'll stop me from skinning you alive!"



Deadly? Sexy? Love me both ways.

"Well, uhh, you see, I walked out to grab some snacks, but then I heard Aika playing guitar under the bridge!"
"I see...prepare to die then."

Yoko pointed her sword in their direction.

"Wait a minute, we didn't do anything, I swear!", Osamu pleaded.
"It's not a matter of you having done anything. It's a matter of you possibly doing something. That is something I cannot allow. Now then, Aika, are you ready to be punished for daring to lure my husband out here when he should be laying in bed with me?"


"Osamu...move aside.", Aika quietly commanded.

Aika had her electric guitar in her hands as she stepped in front of Osamu. She wielded her Gibson Black Beauty as if it were an axe, and she was a viking ready to destroy her opponent.

(Why are you encouraging her!?)
"Oh? So you've chosen to fight?"
"I don't want to, but you're really pissing me off. Osamu is not your husband, yet you insist he is and you think you can dictate where he should be at all times. Do you know what that makes you?"
(Oh no, she's going to say it!)
Aika dared to utter the most unforgivable word, the C word.



Yoko's eye twitched as that word rung out into the air, echoing infinitely within Yoko's soul.

"Forgive me. I'll be sure to wash Aika's blood off of your clothes after this."
(You what?!)

Aika and Yoko charged at each other like two overpowered characters from a shounen manga. For Osamu, this moment moved in slow motion. He wanted to stop them before they could kill each other and ruin a perfectly good guitar in the process. Thankfully, a familiar vortex appeared between them, and Izanami restrained the both of them. The guitar and the sword, along with their owners, were pinned to the ground.

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