Day 34: My Ex-Girlfriend Punched Me For Lying

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   (I'd be lying if I said I was unaware how harmful my omission about Aika's death, revival, and subsequent memory loss really was.)

Isabella was at the mall, shopping for new jeans and sweaters for the approaching cold seasons. She simply picked out whatever she saw and liked, without having to worry about money. In the corner of her eye, she could see a girl trying to reach for an item that was just a little to high for her to reach. Upon seeing her, Isabella was able to recognize the girl as Aika.

"Aika?!", she called out
Aika was so startled she yelled out in fright, slapping her hand over her mouth to not embarrass herself further
"Umm...yes?", she politely responded, surely thinking the shrieking blonde before her was crazy.
"What are you doing here!? Where have you been for the past 2 weeks?! You just up and left without saying anything to anyone! I mean, I know you live in a house full of complete cunts, but come on! Aren't I at least awesome enough to say goodbye to!? You were gone so long, so you must have a place to live now, right?
Fumbling in her words and thoughts along, Aika mumbled, "Well...I..."
"You even cut your hair?! Aika, you cut your beautiful brown locks!? What is this?! You're even wearing bright colors and dresses now?! Geez, it's almost like you're a completely different person now! What was it? Did you go to Slut Rehab or something?!

* I F   O N L Y  S U C H  A T H I N G   E X I S T E D *

Aika blushed and mumbled, unable to answer Isabella coherently.
"Uhhh...", she continued to mumble.
"Hmm? Hey, the Slut Rehab thing was a joke. You know humor isn't really my strong point. But seriously, what's up? Where were you? We were worried sick, Aika."
"I'm's just..."
"What?", Isabella asked in confusion.
"Have we met somewhere before?"
"Huh? are Aika, right? Aika Mihara? There's no way I'm confusing you with someone else..." "You know my name?"
"Of course I do, dumb ass! Why would I not know your name? I even know how to write it out! Aika is written as "Love Song" and Mihara is written as 'Three Plains', right?"
"Yeah, that's me alright. I don't think you're confusing me for anyone else, but do you know me?"

This extended ignorance began to reveal to Isabella that Aika wasn't kidding. She really had no recollection of Isabella.

"Aika...I...I'm so sorry! Maybe it really is someone else! Sorry for bothering you!"

Isabella dropped her clothes and ran away. Aika reached out for her, but couldn't call her, since she could not remember her name. The nonplussed Isabella could only make her way home, and carry the news to the rest of the group.

(Isabella came home...and my lie was broken.)


DAY 34

The season of our love has changed colors

Yoko was watering her grass as Isabella ran home, bending over and catching her breath.

Death by Ex Girlfriend: Aika CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now