Chapter 4 [Rewrite]

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Narumi grinned blindingly.

"Hyuuga Natsume~!"







"WHAT!?" Mikan screeched loudly along with several students, blood drained from her skin. The young girl trembled, gaping at the shocking announcement. No, no, no, nonononono! She won't believe this! She refuses! This must be some kind of a sick joke! Her teacher must have pranked her. He must have pulled out a wrong paper; he must have said a wrong name! This must be wrong! This couldn't be happening to her! No! Fate can't toy with her like this!! This wasn't real!

The class was in an uproar.

"Why does Narumi-sensei do this? I mean, you don't normally make someone of his status do that, right!?!?"

"Poor her, stuck with Natsume-sama as her partner..."

"Just what is that new girl!? Is she actually an important person!?"

"Hey!! Give me a break!! What do you mean by this!?"

Sumire wants to faint, "T-That girl...w-with N-Natsume-kun...!?"

"Ohoho" Kokoroymi laughed chillingly, bluish-grey eyes taking in the delicious chaos.

Wh... Meanwhile, inside the head of the brown twin tailed girl, her brain was rebooting.

"NARUMI-SENSEI!?!?" She shrieked in immense terror, horrified beyond anything.

On the other hand, Ruka, who was equally shocked, floundered in the myriad confusing emotions before taking a peek at his friend, wondering about his thoughts on this.

The raven haired boy merely leaned back into his seat and scoffed, "Like I care"

Whirling around to look at him in horror, somehow able to hear him over the loud chatters and shouts, Mikan dreaded for her life – literally. What in the world is Narumi-sensei thinking!?!?

Heedless of any questions and complains, the blonde haired man simply hummed a joyful tune, reveling in the chaos he had created. He deliberately looks anywhere but Mikan's pitiful teary eyes, deaf to her wails and let his mind wander to another new student. Oh dear, where was his cute little bun? She was a bit late no? He hopes she wasn't lost but then she couldn't possibly be. Last night, Narumi had asked if she wanted him to pick her up but the girl timidly refused him, mumbling something about that man coming in the morning or something. Sigh, he really wants to pick her up but oh well.

(Narumi was still surprised by the intensity of his adoration.)

He glanced around, hoping that Serio Miharu would get along with everyone. The girl looks like she needs some friends, like seriously she does need them.

These kids may be too rowdy and mischievous – the incarnate of demons – but they are good kids.

Mikan's mind was in a horrifying turbulence, jumbling around with her predicament so much that it left her dizzy. She opened her mouth, throat as dry as the harsh desert. Desperate, she will make her teacher change his mind no matter what! This arrangement was unacceptable!

However, before she could say anything, the soft knocks on the door interrupted her and garnered much attention despite how quiet it was.

What a pair of sharp ears they have.

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