Turning Zayn

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Lexis POV

When I woke up, I found Zayn next to me, and my hair was a mess. I got up and tried taming it. After I gave up, I got into the shower. When I got out, my clothes were gone. I ran to my bag and got a sundress out. I put it on, it felt weird. I threw my hair into a ponytail. Then I felt somebody wrap their arms around my waist. I turned around to see Zayn holding my clothes and my phone. "Give them back!" I said jumping, I hate him being taller. Then we heard a cough. It was Eleanor. "Can I use the bathroom?" she asked. "Sure, sorry." we said as Zayn said laid down and pushed me off of him whenever I tried grabbing them. "Come on." he said throwing them into my bag and taking me out of the room. "Where are you taking me?" "Why do girls ask so many questions?" "Because we shouldn't trust guys." "True." he said laughing and uncovering my eyes. We were in a park. It was gorgeous. "What's going on?" I asked. "Its about time we go on our first date and movies are over rated." he said. There were candles, flowers, a radio, and 2 nerf guns. "what would you like to do first?" he asked motioning to the park, it was full of people. "Are you sure you won't get mobbed?" I asked motioning to all the girls. "So what? Are you having fun?" "Yes" "Then it's worth it!" he said pulling me to the swings. He picked me up and sat me on one. "I can walk." "With me, you don't have to." he said getting on the one next to it. "When can you turn?" he asked looking at my eyes. They turned red when I saw a squirrel. "Now." I said running after it and climbing up its tree


Zayn's POV

How can she control herself around people? She ran after that squirrel, but didn't attack any people. She returned wiping a little blood off her mouth. "Sorry, it looked so good." she said sitting down next to me. "So, anything you want to ask?" she asked. "When can you turn me?" I asked, "Whenever you want." "Now?" I asked pointing towards the table, "Sure, but more like over there." she said pointing towards a tree. "Ok, race ya." I said running over. When I got there she was already there, "took you long enough." she said as I moved behind the tree, don't want to scar these kids for life. She took my hand and started rubbing my wrist. "Are you sure, you might feel a lot of pain at first and have a scar." she said "if it means being with you, yes. Don't you have to bite my neck?" I asked "Only if we are in a movie." she said rubbing a certain spot in my wrist "Your main artery is in your arm, you bite the wrist to turn somebody, you bite the pit of their arm to kill them, their shoulder is to tough of spot to bite." she explained right before biting my wrist, I screamed in my head and had to cover my mouth to keep from drawing attention. "Why does that hurt so much?!" I asked as she let go. "I don't know, maybe because I'm sinking my teeth into your wrist!" she said licking her lips. "Where's your scar?" I asked looking at her wrists. "Concealer, it hides more than just one scar." she said ashamed. Did she cut herself? "What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb as we ate, "I will show you later, ok." she said, this is a tough subject for her. When we finished, we picked up and drove home. When we got there, she went and took off her make up, all of it. I looked at her arms to see at least 50 scars each arm. "Why would you do this?" I asked rubbing my hands up and down her back. "Just forget it, it was a few weeks ago anyways." A FEW WEEKS?!? "I was getting bullied." she said pulling away from me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't there." I said kissing her arms. Then I saw it, her bite mark, it looked painful. "What's the meaning of your tattoos?" she asked. "I don't really know." I said. "Do you have any?" I asked, "Yes, I have 20 I think." she said

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