Right My Wrongs |6|

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Cam's POV

I do feel bad for what i did and I didnt know that Jass was telling Ari about us. Ari is like a sis to Dee so of course Ari was gone tell her. So now i gotta fix the mistake I made. Rn Dee won't even return my calls or reply to my texts. I done f*cked up real bad.
But i do know how to fix this. Dee told me that she always wanted to go back to Puerto Rico to visit her family. But how do I get her come ?

Texting Ari

C: Hey Ari I need your help
A: And wtf do u want ?
U cheated on my sis.
C: I wanna fix this .
A: How ?
C: By taking her back to Puerto Rico.
A: That would be nice but why thou?
C: Bc she always told me that she wanted  to go back to visit her family.
A: Well talk to her and see what she says
C: she won't respond to me. Can you talk to her for me ?
A: Okay ima try

Dee's POV

Me and Cam haven't talked in weeks but rn ima distract myself with work. I have my 2nd mixtape about to drop. Im gonna be going on tour soon so i dont have time for the bullsh*t

But Ari did tell me about how Cam wanted to take me to Puerto rico to see my family. I would really love that but im still kinda pissed for Cam did to me like why tf would u cheat on me with my sister but Jass is a snake weak b*tch. She done tried to apologize but nah i aint with the sh*ts.

Cam's POV

Dee finally agreed to come back to the house so we can talk about me taking hee to Puerto rico for a little trip.

* knocks on the door *

(Dee comes in)

C: Hey.
D: Wassup ?
C: Im sorry for what I did to you.
D: U aint sorry u just dumb asf. But why am i here ?
C: Ima take that. pero quiero llevarte a Puerto Rico ( but I want to take you to Puerto Rico)
D: Y por que es eso ?( and why is that )
C: Porque quiero compensar lo que te hice.( because i want to make up for what i did to you)
D: Be real with me Cam . Why did u cheat on me with Jass ?
C: Idk if I can answer that
D: U told me when we first me that u would never EVER cheat on me but then u turn around and go f*ck my sister.
C: Yeah I did and Im sorry. I wanna right my wrongs. Can u just let me ?
D: Okay when is this so called "trip" ?
C: We leave in 2 days.
D: Okay well Ima be busy so i can meet you in Puerto rico.
C: Okay.

Dee leaves the house and goes back to what she needed to focus on
Her music. Ik her 2nd mixtape comes out and she's going on tour in like a couple months
I feel bad for what i did to her. Ik she's gonna be surprised to see her lil sis and her mama.

(in Puerto Rico )

A/N~ Long story short. Cam and Dee are in Puerto rico rn and its close to the end of the trip and Dee still doesn't forgive Cam. even thou she was really happy to see her lil sis and mama.

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