8: Tiff's Party

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Adriel's POV

Finally, its Saturday and the week has just been crazy. The drama with Natalie was awful but I was happy a few people stood up for me. Well forget about that all. I was just getting dressed up for Tiffs party. She was rich just like me I just started my career and still needed to make more money all I had was 1.6million dollars in my account but I didn't wanna spend it all. The dress code was casual so I had orange camo pants on, a black Thrasher singlet, black jacket, black puma Fenty ankle straps, my braids on, natural makeup and the grey contacts to make myself look different.

My doorbell rang and it was Tiffany. "Hey gurl" I hugged her and said bye to my parents. 

"Hey you lookin good", I chuckle "you too Tiff". She wore blue camo pants instead "let's go". 16 mins later we pulled up at her house.

 Zackie, Draco, Natalie, Serena, Harrison, Harriet, Naomi, Adam, Jayden and a few more people were there. Let's just say half of the whole school. Everyone greeted me and apparently Natalie and I had matching pants and the bad thing is that Zach and I both had Thrasher shirts on. 

"Hey, Adriel ..... wassup"I realized it was Draco and Harrison. "Hey, guys am just enjoying myself".Draco laughs and Harrison says "I see.... knocked anything down yet?". "Shut up Harrison leave me alone"I joke and laugh at the same time. 

Suddenly Zach and I are standing next to each other "hey .... we matching". I look at him and laugh "yeah...... I think you copied me ". He raises his eyebrow "I copied you. We always wore matching clothes when we were younger".I sigh "I remember ". Natalie comes up to me and Zach. She looks at me up and down "hey loner". 

"Natalie stop... we came to have fun" Zach raises his brow. Natalie flips her blond and silky hair. 

"Hi .... looks like were matching"I try to change to the subject. 

She chuckles "Well mines expensive ur cheap". I walk away just to avoid this arrogant rich dog. 

Draco and I spend some time talking and Zach keeps looking at me for no reason. One of my favorite songs Stir fry and Rake it up comes up. I head to the dance floor and start dancing, I felt like I was at a concert again. Naomi and Tiffany joined me. 

I swang my hips just living the dream. I was a curvy girl and I didn't want anyone looking at my butt so I put my jacket around my waist but to be honest in only made people looks even more so I just took it off. Zach, Harrison, and Draco kept on giving me looks and Zach was just gazing at me. I walked off the dance floor to sit on a couch next to Draco. 

I pout and he just turns to me and starts smirking "I didn't know 'you' could dance"I flip my braids and laugh with him. Zach walks to or direction with Natalie holding his arm like he is a 5 yr old little boy. "Let me go, Natalie" he moves her arm off, Draco and I decide to act like we didn't see a thing.

"Hey guys.... u rocked the dance floor Adrie" Zach sits next to me on the couch. 

"Hey,"  Draco and I both say it at the same time. Draco sighs and looks at Zach. "Dude... y do u and Natalie fight these days..... it was so not like that last year," Draco says shaking his head. 

"Draco... she's getting complicated and I want to leave her" Draco's eyes widen, he stare's at me and its silent between us 3. I stand up and I accidentally knock one of Zach's chicken wings over. Harrison starts smirking and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry, Zach...... I didn't see that" Natalie gives me this look and she walks to us. I walk away trying to avoid this crazy gurl and he taps my back to stop me. He looks deep into my eyes and I shiver "Its okay Adrie, you don't have to be". I get lost in his stare and I freeze. Natalie crosses her arms and gets pissed.

"I told u to stay away from my boyfriend.....bish" I walk away but Zach stops me again

"Adrie ..... please don't leave yet. Natalie, I walked over to her, she did nothing". He scratches his head and clenches his fist.

"Baby... are u serious? how could u defend this piece of trash" he pushes her away

"Don't call me baby" Zach crosses his arm. I walk away and as everyone leaves 


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