13: What did i say

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Zachariah's (Zach) POV

I woke up only to find Adriel by my side. We were holding onto each other the whole night. This fake relationship thing was weird because Adriel couldn't let go of her past. Telling her my side is going to be freakin scary. Natalie had being sending me texts but i didn't bother, i was over and seemed like she wasn't over me but i didn't want her back. I liked Adriel.

"Zachariah ?.......what are u doing?". Her hair was a mess, well u know a hot mess. She smelled nice and i was drowning into the whole thing. We were so close that i could feel the warmth of her thighs.

"Did u have a good sleep? u smell good". She playfully punches my and rests her head on my chest. "I see u decided to abandon the couch"

"I had a good sleep and the couch was so uncomfortable to sleep on". Today was gonna be a good day.....i hope.

"Imma have a shower , when are we leaving?"

"2:30pm but we going for lunch with  Grandma"

"Wheres your Grandpa........don't they live together?"

" why don't we stop the questions OK". I wasn't ready to tell her all these things.

"Ok...so-rry". She crosses her arm and leaves with her luggage

Adriel's POV

I didn't expect Zach to not answer my questions. Is he hiding something from me that i need to know. I left the shower and went to the kitchen. What he said still troubled me

"Are u ok sweetheart....is it Zach". Surprisingly its Zach's grandma sitting on the breakfast stool.

"Yeah we just had a little confusion"

"Adriel, he loves you, don't leave him. Just give him sometime you'll see".

"Thank you Mrs Marcello"

"Oh sweetie you could call me Marie"

Suddenly Zach walks in not even making any contact with me. What did i say that made him feel so angry.

"Morning Grandma. are you ready"

"Good Morning Zach. am ready"

"Ugh ok lets get going"

*Dome- restaurant*

The table was silent and Zachariah was just avoiding me

"So how did you guys start dating". Zach makes no move and leaves me to explain it all

"Well.......we were at a school ball and i had no date. He asked me to dance with him and all of the sudden we started hanging out before we made it official". He gave me a little smirk and i looked away

"Thats wonderful.......have u guys did 'it'". Oh no did she just mean, this grandma is full of wonders

Zach's eyes widen with a goofy smile on his face"No Grandma.......seriously"

"What!.....just needed to know"

"Looks like we have to get going Adriel". He stands up and puts his arm around my waist and i put my arm on his chest. Just to make it look like we have chemistry.

"Aww you guys look cute. I'll see you next time. Am staying here with Jenny for tea"

"Ok grandma love you"

"Bye Mrs Marcello"

We got in the car and it was silent. He avoided me like i wasn't even there what is wrong with him? . I started to think he was gonna kill me all cause of this

"What did i say Zach?"

"Its okay....its....its nothing"

"Then drop me off here and i'll call tiff to pick me up.....its only 30 mins away"

"No Drae. Its not safe around this place. Am not leaving you "

"How its not safe. Ur AVOIDING ME like am invisible to u!"

"CALM DOWN ADRIEL". This wasn't good at all

"Just drop me off. i knew i should left with my parents instead. WHAT DID I SAY"

"Its just family stuff Drae. i don't like talking about it"

"Am sorry.... i said the same before. But why are u avoiding me?". He pulls over the car and rests his head on the wheel

"I just needed some time to control my bad temper. Am sorry i hurt u"

"I forgive you, lets just go home". I take a deep breath and let go what just happened

We arrive and get inside the house.

Zach headed to the theater room to watch the Black Panther so i joined him 

We sat next to each other even though the were many other seats we could put our buts on. We were just friends after all. I kinda liked him tho but i didn't want my past to haunt me

He rested his head on a pillow near my thighs . I was wearing sweatpants (u nasties). I couldn't stop admiring his curly black hair. I really wanted to feel his hair

"Do u mind if i play with ur hair? "

He turns to me and gives me a goofy smile "Nah as long as its u i don't mind"

"Why only me?"I playfully punch him and we laugh

"I like it when u do it. Remember when we were 6 u played hairdresser with me"

"What you still remember that Zach? i almost forgot"

"Yes, why wouldn't i remember that".


""Yeah Adrie"

"Nothing i just loved to call you that". We settle down and continue to watch the movie. I just continued to play with it and watch it at the same time

Zach's POV

I always liked it when she played with my hair. The movie finished and i decided to watch Maze runner but in the middle of it Adriel fell asleep. I picked up her up and took her to my room. She had a big butt and i think that was the only thing making her a little heavy.

It was the last day of Student free day and i had 2 more days with Adriel. I wish i had more days to spend with her. My phone beeps with two notifications from Natalie and Jayden. Why Jayden didn't i block him after what he did to Adriel.

Natalia: Stop playing games with Adriel. If u tell her the truth she'll run away from you , you know. BTW need too talk  


His gang sucks. My gang made 3 kills in 15 seconds my men are trained

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